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Tsing Hua



Chung-Yu Mou







  • 奈米科技與量子的魔力
  • 有趣的物理問題

  • 打水漂兒的簡化模型
  • 雲的形成
  • 家用電表的簡化模型
  • 有質量彈簧的振盪
  • 電磁學(I)(II) 2014-2015

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 筆記

  • Introduction and Vector Analysis
  • Electrostatics: description and basic properties
  • Electric potentials and methods of their evaluation
  • Electric fields in matter
  • Magnetostatitics
  • Magnetic fields in matter
  • Electrodynamics
  • Conservation Laws
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Special relativity and electrodynamics
  • Potentials and fields
  • Radiation
  • 習題 (I)

  • 第3版與第4版習題對照表
  • Principle and Applicaton of Quantum Technology (量子科技的原理與應用) 2024 Spring

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Slides

  • Introduction
  • Physics of Superconductivity (I) 2023 Fall

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • Lecture note (筆記)

  • Phenomenology of Superconductivity
  • Magnetic properties of First Kind Superconductor
  • The Ginzburg-Landau Theory
  • Magnetic Properties of Type II Superconductors
  • Vortex and Its dynamical properties
  • Fluctuation Effects
  • Microscopic_Approach
  • 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Condensed Matter Physics (凝態物理) (I) 2020 Fall

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • Lecture note (筆記)

  • Introduction, Crystal Structures, and Theory of Scattering in Conensed Matter
  • General Consideration of Scattering Experiments
  • Beyond Crystalline State
  • Mechanical and dynamical properties
  • Phonons in liquids/gases and the need for the 2nd quantization
  • Phenomena of Phase Transition and Ginzburg-Landau Theory
  • Defects, liquid-solid transition and 2D melting
  • Electronic Structure - Free Electron Gas
  • Waves in periodic structures
  • Electronic Band Theory
  • Semiclassical electron dynamics
  • 投影片

  • Quasicrystals
  • Fullerenes
  • 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • 凝態物理(II) 2011 Spring


  • Waves in non-crystalline structures and localization
  • Methods in Quantum Many-Particle Theory (I)
  • Methods in Quantum Many-Particle Theory (II)
  • Linear Response Theory and Experimental Measurements
  • Phases in Condensed Matter - The Fermi-Liquid Theory
  • Correlated Electromnic States - Mott insulator, magenetism and orbital ordering
  • -->


  • 應用數學(I) 2011 Spring

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 理論力學 (I) 2017 Fall

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 筆記

  • Kinematics -- Mathematical description of motion
  • Newtonian Mechanics
  • Oscillations and Chaotic Motions
  • Principle of Virtual Work
  • Hamilton's principle and the Lagragian/Hamiltonian dynamics
  • Gravitation and Central-Force Motion
  • 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • Homework 7
  • Homework 8
  • Homework 9
  • 理論力學 (I) 2008 Fall

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 理論力學 (II) 2009 Spring

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 筆記

  • Special Theory of Relativity
  • Dynamics of a system of particles - scattering problems
  • Motion in non-inertial frame
  • Rigid-body rotations
  • Coupled oscillations and elastic waves
  • 奈米物理導論 (I) (II) 2003-2004

    量子物理 - Quantum Physics (I)(II), 2020-2021

  • 課程大綱(Syllabus)
  • 教科書大綱(Syllabus)
  • 量子物理 (I) 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • Homework 7
  • 量子物理 (II) 習題

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • Homework 7
  • Homework 8
  • 筆記

    量子物理 (I)

  • The emergence of Quantum Physics
  • Wave-particle duality, probability, and the Schrodinger equation
  • Eigenvalues, Eigenfuncitons, and the expansion postulate
  • One dimensional potentials
  • The general structure of wave mechanics
  • Prove of uncertainty relation
  • N-particle systems
  • The Schrodinger equation in 3D (I)
  • 量子物理 (II)

  • The Schrodinger equation in 3D (II): Angular momentum and H atom
  • Space quantization and eigensates of angular momentum
  • The hydrogen atom
  • The interaction of charged particles with the electromagnetic fields
  • Spin and its discovery
  • Addition of angular momenta
  • Time independent perturbation theory
  • The real hydrogen atom
  • Ground state of multi-electron atoms and periodic table
  • Interaction of EM waves and atoms/molecules
  • Molecules and their energy spectrum
  • Slides (投影片)

  • Diffraction of electrons through double-slit (電子雙狹縫實驗)
  • 相速度,群速度,與信號速度
  • 統計力學 (II) - Statistical Mechanics (II), Fall 2012


    量子力學 - Quantum Mechanics (I)(II), 2021-2022

    Lecture notes (筆記)

    Quantum Mechanics (I)

  • Foundations and Dirac notations
  • Simple 1D systems
  • Classical Limit and WKB approximation
  • The Ucertainty Principle
  • The Path Integral Formulation
  • Harmonic Oscillator
  • Identical Particles
  • Symmetries and their consequences
  • Quantum Mechanics (II)

  • Theory of angular momentum & rotations
  • Approximate methods
  • Introduction to scattering theory
  • Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics
  • Slides (投影片)

  • Introduction
  • Diffraction of electrons through double-slit (電子雙狹縫實驗)
  • Usage of Quantum State: Quantum Cryptography, Grover algorithm and etc.
  • Homework set (習題) (I)

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • Homework set (習題) (II)

  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • 量子力學 - Quantum Mechanics (I)(II), 1996-1997, 2001-2002, 2004-2006, 2012-2013

    統計力學 (I) - Statistical Mechanics (I), Spring 1998

    統計力學 (II) - Statistical Mechanics (II), Fall 1998-99

    生科系普通物理 - General Physics (I)(II), 1998-2001

    普通物理 - General Physics (I), 2001秋