

Chung-Yu Mou 03-5742537 office: Department of Physics (物理系) Room 514

Condensed Matter Physics(I)(II) 凝態物理 (I)
2020-2021 Chung-Yu Mou (牟中瑜)
Syllabus 授課大綱
Teaching Assistant (助教): Yi-Ming Huang (黃翊銘)
email: lancelo213@gmail.com
phone: 0910363156

Course description (課程目標)

凝態物理是一個範圍極廣並且與實驗關連性強的領域, 本課程為物理所的基礎課程,主要的目標是在使學生能 掌握凝體物理共通之基本原理,因而能進一步掌握與 了解凝體相關的實驗現象。
Condensed matter physics is a broad subject that is closely related to experiments. This course is an elmentary course particularly designed for physics graduates. Its purpose is to develop students' understanding of common principles involved in condensed matter so that students can further grasp and understand phenomena involved in condensed matter experiments.

(I) midterm: 11/16, final: 1/4 (2020)


  • Solid State Physics, Ashcroft/Mermin
  • Condensed Matter Physics, Michael P. Marder
  • Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, Chaikin/Lubenksy
  • Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics, An Introduction, Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg
  • Course grading (計分方式)