Education |
● 1979, Ph.D. (Physics),
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.
● 1975, M.S. (Physics), Colorado State University, Ft.
Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.
● 1971, B.S. (Physics), Tunghai University, Taichung,
Professional Experience |
Vice President, Office of Research & Development
●2009-present, Professor and Tsing Hua Chair, Department
of Physics and Institute of Photonics Technologies,
National Tsing
Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
National Tsing
Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Director, Center for Photonics Research (8/09 to 11/14)
Professor and
Chairman, Department of Physics (8/11 to 1/14)
Department of Physics, 2/09 to date
Institute of
Photonics Technologies (joint appointment)
National Chiao
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan University Chair
Prof., 11/03 to 01/09 Chair, Department of
Photonics, 8/04 to 7/06 Prof., Inst. Electro-Opt.
Eng., 8/87 to date Chair, Inst. Electro-Opt. Eng.,
8/92 through 7/95 Assoc. Prof., Inst. Electro-Opt.
Eng., 2/81 through 7/87
National Science
Council, R.O.C. Coordinator, Optics & Photonics
Program, 1/96 through 12/99
The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Visiting Prof., Dept. of Electronic Engn., 1/08 to 6/08
Osaka University,
Osaka, Japan Guest Prof., Institute of Laser
Engineering, 3/04 to 6/04
University of
California, Berkeley, California, USA Visiting
Scholar, Depts. Of Physics and EECS, 2/86 through 1/87
Colorado State
University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA Postdoctoral Fellow, Chem. Dept., 8/79 through 1/81
Marine Corps,
Taiwan, ROC 2nd Lt. (Mandatory Military Service),
9/71 through 6/73
Honors and Awards |
● Member, the Phi Tau Phi Honor Society, elected 1991.
Outstanding Research Award, ‘90-‘92, ‘92-‘94, ‘94-‘96.
Research Fellow, ‘96 –‘02.
Merit NSC Research Fellow Award, 2002.
Fellow, Photonic Society of Chinese Americans (PSC),
● Y.
Z. Hsu Communication and Photonics Chair, 2003.
Fellow, the Optical Society (OSA), 2004.
Fellow, International Society of Optical Engineering.
(SPIE), 2004.
Academic Award, Ministry of Education, 2004.
Engineering Medal, the Optical Engineering Society
(ROCOES), 2004.
Fellow, Physical Society of the Republic of China
(PSROC), 2005.
Outstanding Engineering Professor Award, the Chinese
Institute of Engineers,2006.
● Pan
Wan Yuen Research Excellence Award, 2007.
“Science-50” citation, 2008.
Chair, the Univ. System of Taiwan, 1/09-12/11.
Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), 2009. ●
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE), 2012.
Outstanding Scholarship Award, Foundation For The
Advancement of Outstanding
Scholarship, 2012-2015.
TECO Award, TECO Technology Foundation, 2012.
Alumni Award, Tunghai University, 2013.
Academian, Asia Pacific
Academy of Materials, 2013.
Research Fields |
Laser Science
Ultrafast Optics and Optoelectronics
Optics and Photonics
Liquid Crystal Optics and Photonics
Research projects
(Updated on August 1, 2015) |
[ 1 ] Functional THz Photonic Elements and their Applications (MOST, Aug. 1, 2015-July 31,
We propose to study
terahertz functional photonic component and modules for the photonis-enabled
post 5G network. These would be potentially useful for applications in (i)
multi-gigabit THz wireless-over-fiber communication services; (ii)
photonic generation of sub-millimeter waves and signal processing; (iii)
photonics-based high-spatial-resolution 3D imaging Radar.
[ 2 ] Generation and applications of Intense Coherent THz Radiation (MOST,
August 1. 2015 - July 31, 2016)
In the past
decades, we have witnessed tremendous progress in the science and
technology of the THz (1THz = 1012 Hz) or sub-millimeter
waves. It is now possible to consider the interaction and control of
intense THz waves with matter; investigate a single THz photon and
explore its applications. In this project, we propose to generate
coherent high-power THz radiation in order to explore topics in THz
nonlinear and quantum photonics. The energy of generated THz pulses is
expected to be above 0.3 mJ at a repetition rate of ~ 15 MHz.
[ 3 ] Research and Development of Advanced Fiber Laser Systems and Their
Applications, PI (MOST Industrial co-op with Cleverwave Corp. and POFC,
June 1. 2015- May 31, 2016)
In recent
years, because of the government pursue energy saving and carbon
reduction. Thus, laser application of high-accuracy resistor trimming,
LED and solar cell scribing and laser annealing are required for high
speed technology. In the decade, lasers has already shown to be superior
tool because of convenient and high efficiency for different industrial
applications. Regretfully, almost all of the high-power lasers used in
the processing centers are imported. So, to develop ultrafast laser is a
very important task.
In collaboration with 虹竣科技、卓越成功, we propose to develop
high-pulse-energy ns, ps and fs Yb-fiber lasers. Through efficient
nonlinear frequency conversion, green laser which wavelength is 532nm
and UV laser output at 266 nm will be generated as well.
We expect to design fiber lasers (l
= 1 mm)with
different pulse durations (first 1-50 ns, second 1-50 ps, third 100-500
fs) with 1kHz-250MHz repetition rate. In the same time, we will try to
increase the energy to 100 μJ and test the solar cell laser treatment.
Then achieve fourth-harmonic generation to ~10% conversion efficiency.
For DMD system, we will try to demonstrate the portable type DMD system,
and enhance the bandwidth up to 5 GHz/km.
Selected Publications |
F. Ganikhanov, G. -R. Lin, W. -C. Chen, C. -S. Chang, and
Ci-Ling Pan*, “Subpicosecond carrier lifetimes in
arsenic-ion-implanted GaAs,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 67, No.
23, pp. 3465 - 3467, Dec. 4, 1995 (One of the first
papers demonstrating the potential of GaAs:As+ as
an ultrafast photoconductor). See also, Gong-Ru Lin, Wen-Chung
Chen, Shyh-Chin Chao, C.-S. Chang, Kaung-Hsiung Wu, T. M.
Hsu, W. C. Lee, and , Ci-Ling Pan* “Material and
Ultrafast Optoelectronic Properties of Highly Resistive
Arsenic-ion-implanted GaAs,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron.,
Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1740 - 1748, September, 1998.
Chi-Leun Wang and Ci-Ling Pan*, "Tunable
Dual-wavelength Operation of a Diode Array with an External
Grating-loaded Cavity", Appl. phys. Lett. Vol. 64, No. 23,
pp. 3089 - 3091, June 6, 1994 (Generic laser cavity
design for collinear, linearly polarized, tunable
dual-wavelength output). See also,
Ci-Ling Pan
and Chi-Luen Wang, “A novel tunable dual-wavelength
external-cavity laser diode array and its applications,”
invited paper, Optical and Quantum Electronics
Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 1239 - 1257, October 1996, U.S. Patent.
T. R. Tsai, C. Y. Chen, C.-L. Pan*, R.-P. Pan and
X.-C. Zhang, “THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Studies of the
Optical Constants of the Nematic Liquid Crystal 5CB,”
Appl. Opt., Vol. 42, No. 13, pp. 2372-2376, May 2003 (The
first THz-TDS studies of nematic liquid crystal and shows
that birefringence of NLC at THz frequencies is as large as
that in the visible, thus opening possibilities of
applications of LC in THz photonics). See also,
Chan-Shan Yang, Chia-Jen Lin, Ru-Pin Pan*, Christopher Que,
Kohji Yamamoto, Masahiko Tani, and Ci-Ling Pan*, “The
Complex Refractive Indices of the Liquid Crystal Mixture E7
in the THz Frequency Range,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 27,
No. 9, pp. 1866-1873, September, 2010.
Ci-Ling Pan*,
Jin-Yuen Zhang, Jung Y. Huang, and Chao-Kuei Lee, A
blue-light generating Femtosecond wavelength-tunable
Non-collinear Optical Parametric Amplifier,” US patent
7106498 B2, Sept. 12, 2006. (Femtosecond laser pulses
that are tunable from 380 to 460 nm are directly generated
the BBO OPA crystal, Taiwan patent I239128), see also
Chao-Kuei Lee, Jin-Yuan Zhang, J. Y. Huang and Ci-Ling Pan,
“Generation of Femtosecond Laser Pulses Tunable from 380 nm
to 465 nm via Cascaded Nonlinear Optical Mixing in a
Noncollinear Optical Parametric Amplifier with a Type-I
Phase Matched BBO Crystal,” Optics Express, Vol. 11, No. 14,
pp. 1702-1708, July 14 2003; Chao-Kuei Lee, Jin-Yuan Zhang,
J. Y. Huang and Ci-Ling Pan, “Theoretical and Experimental
Studies of tunable UV/Blue Femtosecond Pulses in a
405nm-pumped Type-I b-BBO Non-collinear Optical Parametric
Amplifier,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp.
1494-1499, August 2004.
Cho-Fan Hsieh,
Yea-Feng Lin,
and Ci-Ling
“Magnetically Tunable Room-Temperature 2p
Liquid Crystal Terahertz Phase Shifter,”
Opt. Exp.,
Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 2625-2630 June 14, 2004
(The first room-temperature tunable 2p
THz phase shifter).
See also Chao-Yuan Chen, Tsong-Ru Tsai, Ci-Ling Pan,
and Ru-Pin Pan, “Room Temperature Terahertz Phase Shifter
Based on Magnetically Controlled Birefringence in Liquid
Crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 83, No. 22, pp.
4497-4499, December 1, 2003.
Tze-An Liu, Masahiko Tani, and Makoto Nakajima, Ci-Ling
Pan*, “Ultrabroadband terahertz field detection by
photoconductive antennas based on multi-energy
arsenic-ion-implanted GaAs and semi-insulating GaAs,”
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 1322-1324, August
18 2003. (broadest reported to date for antennas
fabricated on ion-implanted materials) see also, Tze-An
Liu, et al. “Ultrabroadband terahertz field detection
by photoconductive antennas based on proton-bombarded InP,”
Opt. Exp., Vol. 12, No.13, pp. 2954-2959, June 28,
Yi-Chao Wang, Jia-Min Shieh, Hsiao-Wen Zan and Ci-Ling
Pan* “Near-infrared femtosecond laser crystallized
poly-Si thin film transistors,”
Opt. Exp.,
Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 6981-6986, May 28, 2007
(Demonstrated potential application of ultrafast athermal
annealing for TFT applications); see also, Jia-Min Shieh,
Zun-Hao Chen, Bau-Tong Dai, Yi-Chao Wang, Alexei Zaitsev,
and Ci-Ling Pan*, “Near-Infrared Femtosecond
Laser-induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon,”
Appl. Phys. Lett., Volume 85, Issue 7, pp. 1232-1234,
August 16, 2004.
W. –J. Chen*, H. –Z. Wang, R. –Y. Lin, C. –K. Lee, and C.
–L. Pan,* “Attosecond pulse synthesis and arbitrary
waveform generation with cascaded harmonics of an
injection-seeded high-power Q-switched Nd:YAG laser,” Laser
Phys. Lett., Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 212-218, 2012. (A simple
and low-cost approach to attosecond pulse synthesis and
arbitrary waveform generation). See also, Wei-Jan Chen,
Jhi-Ming Hsieh, Shu Wei Huang, Hao-Yu Su, Chien-Jen Lai,
Tsung-Ta Tang, Chuan-Hsien Lin, Chao-Kuei Lee, Ru-Pin Pan,
Ci-Ling Pan, and A. H. Kung, “Sub-Single-Cycle
Optical Pulse Train with Constant Carrier Envelope Phase,”
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 100, art. 163906, April 25, 2008
Yu-Tai Li, J.-W. Shi, C.-Y. Huang, N.-W. Chen, S.-H. Chen,
J.-I. Chyi, Yi-Chao Wang, Chan-Shan Yang and Ci-Ling Pan*,
“Characterization and Comparison of GaAs/AlGaAs Uni-Traveling
Carrier and Separated-Transport-Recombination Photodiode
Based High-Power Sub-THz Photonic-Transmitters,”
IEEE J. Quantum Electron.,
Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 19-27, January 2010. (Progress
towards radio-over-fiber wireless data transmission up to 20
Gbit/s at 0.1 THz). See also, J.-W. Shi, C.-B. Huang,
and Ci-Ling Pan*, “Millimeter-wave Photonic Wireless
Links for Very-High Data Rate Communication,” invited review
NPG Asia Materials,
Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 41-48, April 2011.
Alexey Zaytsev*, Chih-Hsuan Lin, Yi-Jing You, Chia-Chun
Chung, Chi-Luen Wang, and Ci-Ling Pan*,
“Supercontinuum generation by noise-like pulses transmitted
through normally dispersive standard single-mode fibers,”
Optics Express, Vol. 21, No. 13, pp. 16056-16062, July
1, 2013. (Novel fiber-laser-based approach to
supercontinuum generation) See also, A. K. Zaytsev*, C.
H. Lin, Y. J. You, F. H. Tsai, C. L. Wang and C. L. Pan*,
“Controllable noise-like operation regime in Yb:doped
dispersion-mapped fiber ring laser,” Laser Phys. Lett.,
Vol. 10, No. 4, art. 045104, April 2013.
Publications (Expansible)