‘A mysterious afterglow discovered by a research team in the Kyoto University’, Asahi Shinbun evening paper, chapter 6, 21 July (2010)
‘Is the most energetic explosion in Milky Way possible?’, Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper, chapter 12, 22 July (2010)
‘The most biggest explosion in the Universe happened in a massive galaxy, discovered by a team in the Kyoto University’, NihonKeizai Shinbun evening paper, 21 July (2010)
‘Gamma-Ray Burst, the most biggest explosion in the Universe, could happen in the Milky Way, a possibility to trigger mass extinction in the Earth’, Kyoto Shinbun evening paper, 21 July (2010)
‘Implications for the origin of fast radio bursts and testing general relativity’, the Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan, 4 Nov. 2021
‘Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group’, the Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo at Mitaka in Japan, 24 Oct., 2019
‘FRB cosmology and [CII] detection of a GRB host galaxy’, the Department of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo at Hongo in Japan, 15 Oct., 2019
‘Three discoveries from NTHU/Taiwan cosmology group’, National Centre for Nuclear Research in Poland, 1 Oct., 2019
‘Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 6 Sep., 2019
‘A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 11 Oct., 2018
‘A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, University of Tokyo in Japan, 4 Oct., 2018
‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 5 Sep., 2018
‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, Yunnan Observatory in China, 8 Aug., 2018
‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Central University in Taiwan, 27 Oct., 2017
‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 12 Oct., 2017
‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 9 Aug., 2017
Public talk (Japanese, English translation)
‘Fast radio bursts’, a Symposium between Bicchu-Nishi Shoukoukai and the Nantou dark-sky community, Taipei, 15 Nov., (2024)
‘Astronomy’, senior high school students campus visit at NCHU, 8 July (2024)
‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and Taiwanese new radio telescope, BURSTT’, Asahi culture center Yokohama (online), 30 Sep. (2023)
‘Origins of mysterious fast radio bursts’, ‘Tenpla’ tea chat, online, 21 March (2021)
‘Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts in TMT era’, Asahi culture center in Yokohama ‘The new Universe to be opened by a 30m telescope, TMT’, Kanagawa, Japan, 17 May (2014)
‘From Subaru to 30m telescope, TMT’, Starry sky summit, 60th anniversary of Bisei telescope, Okayama, Japan, 10 Nov. (2013)
‘Gamma-Ray Bursts, the most energetic explosion in the Universe’, NAOJ/Subaru telescope public talk ‘Hunting of the most biggest explosion in the Universe’, Tokyo, Japan, 9 June (2013)
‘Violent galaxy’, Asahi culture center in Yokohama ‘The active Universe’, Kanagawa, Japan, 16 June (2012)
‘Active galactic nuclei and super massive black hole’, ‘Ibara astronomical course’, 2 Nov. (2008)
Conference talk (English)
‘Simultaneous observations of an active repeater FRB 20240114A with Lulin One-meter Telescope and FAST’,
Fast Radio Burst 2024
, Thailand, 4-8 Nov. (2024)
‘Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA’, ‘The annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan, ALMA/Subaru special session’, online material, 17 Mar., (2020)
‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 20 May, (2018)
‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China’, 25 Jan, (2018)
‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life, held in Tokyo, 17-20 Oct., (2017).
Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, ' Asia-Pacific Regional IAU meeting’, Taipei in Taiwan, 3-7 July, (2017)
Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies', ' Galaxy Evolution Across Time ‘, Paris in France, 12-16 June, (2017)
‘The 4th Most Important Parameter of the Fundamental Metallicity Relation of Star-forming Galaxies’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 19 May, (2017)
‘The star formation rate and metallicity of the host galaxy of the dark GRB 080325 at z=1.78’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 17 Jan., (2017)
‘THE STAR FORMATION RATE AND METALLICITY OF THE HOST GALAXY OF THE DARK GRB 080325 AT z = 1.78’, `GRB workshop 2015’, RIKEN, WAKO, Japan, 31 August, (2015)
Study on GRB host galaxies in the TMT era', `Astronomy in the TMT Era', Tokyo, Japan, 16 Oct., (2013)
‘“Dark” GRB 080325 in a Dusty Massive Galaxy at z~2’, `Progenitors and Environments of Stellar Explosions, Paris', France, 28 June, (2010)
‘“Dark” GRB 080325 in a Dusty Massive Galaxy at z~2’, `Deciphering the Ancient Universe with Gamma-Ray Bursts', Kyoto, Japan, 22 April, (2010)
‘Large extinction in a dark GRB 080325’, `The Shocking Universe: Gamma-Ray Bursts Science in the Agile, Glast & Swift Era', Venice, Italy, 14 Sep., (2009)
‘Spectroscopic Analysis of Narrow Line Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei’, `OXFORD-COSMOCT Workshop on : The Interface between Galaxy formation and AGN', Messina, Italy, 19 May, (2008)
Invited talk (Japanese, English translation)
‘Mysterious fast radio bursts’, seminar organized by TOPPAN Holdings Inc, Japan (online), 17 Oct (2023)