
  • Media
  1. 新たな研究から、宇宙人を探すには銀河系の遙か彼方に目を向ける必要が示される , 23 April, (2023), TEXAL
  2. New Paper Makes a Bold Plan for Where to Look For Aliens: Far Beyond Our Galaxy , 22 April, (2023), INVERSE
  3. Looking for potential radio technosignatures from extragalactic sources , 18 April, (2023), PHYS.ORG
  4. How Many Intergalactic Radio Stations Are Out There? , 17 April (2023), UNIVERSE TODAY
  5. 日本で初めて高速電波バーストを検出 JAXAの64mパラボラアンテナを使用 , 25 Jan. (2023), Yahoo Japan news
  6. 国内で初めて高速電波バーストの検出に成功 , 19 Jan. (2023), AstroArts
  7. 東大が日本初検出、天体現象「高速電波バースト」ってなに? , 13 Jan. (2023), Yahoo Japan news
  8. 臼田64 m電波望遠鏡を用いた日本初の高速電波バースト検出 , 12 Jan. (2023), Tii 技術情報
  9. 日本初、高速電波信号を検出(水沢観測所に所属する東大院生の池邊さんら) , 12 Jan. (2023), 胆江日日新聞
  10. 東大など、天体現象「高速電波バースト」日本初検出 母天体・放射メカニズム解明へ , 12 Jan. (2023), 日刊工業新聞
  11. 東大、臼田64m電波望遠鏡を用いた日本初の高速電波バースト検出に成功 , 12 Jan. (2023), 日本経済新聞
  12. Flash! A Bright Fast Radio Burst Detected at High Frequencies , 13 Dec. (2022), astrobites
  13. 高速電波バーストの正体を、出現する銀河の環境から探る , 5 Dec. (2022), AstroArts
  14. '東大、「高速電波バースト」の出現銀河の特異性を発見' , 30 Nov. (2022), マイナビニュース
  15. '東大、「高速電波バースト」の出現銀河の特異性を発見' , 30 Nov. (2022), NewsPicks
  16. '東大、「高速電波バースト」の出現銀河の特異性を発見' , 30 Nov. (2022), Mapion ニュース
  17. '東大、「高速電波バースト」の出現銀河の特異性を発見' , 30 Nov. (2022), BIGLOBEニュース
  18. '東大、分子ガスで高速電波バースト出現環境観測 3億6000万光年先の母銀河捕捉' , 28 Nov. (2022), 日刊工業新聞
  19. '東大など、分子ガス観測から高速電波バースト出現環境を明らかに' , 28 Nov. (2022), 日本経済新聞
  20. Press release: 'Toward unveiling the cosmic mystery of Fast Radio Bursts' , 28 Nov. (2022), University of Tokyo/NCHU/NTHU
  21. Testing Einstein's Work Using Observations of Fast Radio Bursts , 5 December (2021), Medium
  22. More than 40 media featured our Dyson sphere paper led by Mr. Hsiao including Tetsuya Hashimoto (2021).
  23. Black holes surrounded by massive, energy-harvesting structures could power alien civilizations , 16 August (2021), Science Magazine
  25. Astronomie : et si une civilisation extraterrestre avancée tirait son énergie d'un trou noir? , 9 July (2021),
  26. Could we use a Dyson sphere to harvest energy around a black hole? , 8 July (2021), ZME SCIENCE
  27. Une civilisation extraterrestre avancée pourrait tirer son énergie d'un trou noir , 7 July (2021), Yahoo France
  29. A Dyson Sphere Around A Black Hole , 29 June (2021), SPACEREF.
  31. 夜空の知られざる「爆発現象」の正体 , 3 April (2021), NewsPicks
  32. Mysterious radio signals in the universe are not from aliens , 30 March (2021),
  33. 1000分の1秒 宇宙の瞬き「高速電波バースト」の正体 , 27 March (2021), 産経新聞
  34. 高速電波バーストの頻度と歴史から正体に迫る , 22 March (2021), AstroArts
  35. 外星人來電?清大:想不到電波打這來 , 19 March (2021), 產經新聞網
  36. 外星人來電?清大:想不到電波打這來 , 18 March (2021), TUN大學網
  37. 高速電波バーストの正体: 二つの起源に絞り込む: 台湾清華大チーム’ , 16 March (2021), しんぶん赤旗
  38. 神秘的外星電波信號不是外星人發送的 , 15 March (2021), NTHU 秘書處新聞稿
  39. Press release: Mysterious radio signals in the Universe are not from aliens! , 15 March (2021), the Astronomical Society of Japan
  40. 'Focusing Squarely on FRBs with the Square Kilometre Array' , 27 Aug. (2020), astrobites
  41. 'Mysterious signals from space could teach us how dark energy works' , 8 Aug. (2019), New Scientist
  42. ‘A mysterious afterglow discovered by a research team in the Kyoto University’, Asahi Shinbun evening paper, chapter 6, 21 July (2010)
  43. ‘Is the most energetic explosion in Milky Way possible?’, Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper, chapter 12, 22 July (2010)
  44. ‘The most biggest explosion in the Universe happened in a massive galaxy, discovered by a team in the Kyoto University’, NihonKeizai Shinbun evening paper, 21 July (2010)
  45. ‘Gamma-Ray Burst, the most biggest explosion in the Universe, could happen in the Milky Way, a possibility to trigger mass extinction in the Earth’, Kyoto Shinbun evening paper, 21 July (2010)
  • Press release
  1. Japan's first Fast Radio Burst detection ’, 12 Jan. (2023), University of Tokyo
  2. The first detection of a fast radio burst in Japan ’, 12 Jan. (2023), National Chung Hsing University
  3. Toward unveiling the cosmic mystery of Fast Radio Bursts ', 28 Nov. (2022), University of Tokyo
  4. Toward unveiling the cosmic mystery of Fast Radio Bursts ', 28 Nov. (2022), National Chung Hsing University
  5. 謎の天体「高速電波バースト」の正体 ’, 15 Mar. (2021), 日本天文学会2021年春季年会記者会見
  6. すばる望遠鏡 謎のダークガンマ線バーストの正体に迫る ’, 21 Jul. (2010), 京都大学
  7. すばる望遠鏡 謎のダークガンマ線バーストの正体に迫る ’, 20 Jul. (2010), 国立天文台
  • Invited talk (English)
  1. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and the new radio telescope in Taiwan: BURSTT’, The diversity in the Universe explored by high-energy physics , University of Tokyo at Kashiwa in Japan, 11-13 Nov., 2024
  2. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and the new radio telescope in Taiwan: BURSTT’, 2024 International Symposium on Advanced and Sustainable Science and Technology , NCHU in Taiwan, 11-12 Sep., 2024
  3. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and the new radio telescope in Taiwan: BURST’, seminar at the Department of Astronomy/University of Tokyo , Tokyo in Japan, 1st August 2024
  4. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and the new radio telescope in Taiwan: BURSTT’, NAOJ Science Colloquium , online, 3rd July,. 2024
  5. ‘Fast Radio Bursts’, Workshop of NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2024 , NTU in Taiwan, 2nd July, 2024
  6. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and the new radio telescope in Taiwan: BURSTT’, 2024 Collaborative Seminar between UNAM and TAOvA , online, 29 May 2024
  7. ‘Fast radio bursts as cosmic probes’, NCU IoA Colloquium , NCU in Taiwan, 17 May 2024
  8. ‘Fast radio bursts and their mysterious origin’, Applied Physics seminar at TungHai University , 8 Dec, 2023
  9. ‘Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts’, NYCU high energy physics seminar , NYCU in Taiwan, 3 Oct. 2023
  10. 'Mysterious fast radio bursts' , International Symposium on Advanced and Sustainable Science and Technology , NCHU in Taiwan, 11 Sep. 2023
  11. 'Fast radio bursts and their mysterious origin' , Mini-Workshop on AGN/Galaxy Evolution, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan, 11 Aug. 2023
  12. ‘Towards uncovering the origin of fast radio bursts and future prospects in Taiwan’, seminar at North West University, South Africa, 5 May 2023
  13. ‘Towards uncovering the origin of fast radio bursts and future prospects in Taiwan’, LeCosPA seminar , 24 April 2023
  14. Fast radio bursts , The 2nd NCTS/UCAT/NTHU International Astronomy Winter School, 31 Jan. to 4 Feb. 2023
  15. 'Recent observational research progress on fast radio bursts' , Taiwanese Theoretical Astrophysics Workshop II , 25 Nov. 2022
  16. ‘My experiences in astrophysics and career path’, ASTROPHYSICS TALK FOR JUMPSTART 2022, 7 Nov. 2022
  17. ‘The origin of fast radio bursts implied from the cosmic stellar-mass density evolution’, Cross-Strait Forum on Radio Astronomy , 24 Oct. 2022
  18. ‘Fast radio bursts and a new FRB telescope in Taiwan’, NTHU/IoA colloquium , 14 Oct., 2022
  19. 'Fast Radio Bursts' , NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2022 workshop , online, 5 July 2022
  20. 'The origin of fast radio bursts implied from the cosmic stellar-mass density evolution' , the YITP FRB workshop 2022 , Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 7 June 2022
  21. 'Upper limits on Einstein's weak equivalence principle placed by uncertainties of dispersion measures of fast radio bursts' , JGRG webinar organized by Japanese Universities, 30 March 2022
  22. 'The origin of fast radio bursts and key sciences to be addressed in future' , Rizal Technological University, 24 Feb. 2022
  23. ‘The origin of fast radio bursts and key sciences to be addressed’, '2022 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan' , 24 Jan. 2022
  24. ‘Research on fast radio bursts at NCHU’, 'The Symposium for Early Career Astronomers (SECA) II' , National Dong Hwa University in Taiwan, 15 Jan. 2022
  25. 'Implications for the origin of fast radio bursts and testing general relativity' , Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 5 Nov. 2021
  26. ‘Implications for the origin of fast radio bursts and testing general relativity’, the Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan, 4 Nov. 2021
  27. 'Energy functions of fast radio bursts derived from the first CHIME/FRB catalogue' , ‘2021 Taiwan FRB Face-to-Face (F2F) Workshop’, LeCosPA in Taiwan, 23 Oct. 2021
  28. 'Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications' , Yunnan University in China, 8 April, 2021
  29. 'Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications' , the CHIME/FRB journal club organized by the University of Toronto in Canada, 25 March, 2021
  30. 'Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications' , National Central University in Taiwan, 12 March, 2021
  31. 'No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio burst rates' , online lecture at the Northeastern University, 7 Dec., 2020
  32. 'Fast radio bursts in the era of Cherenkov Telescope Array' , ‘The extreme Universe viewed in very-high-energy gamma rays 2020’, online conference, 3-4 Dec., 2020
  33. 'No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates' , Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 30 Sep., 2020
  34. 'No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates' , the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe/the University of Tokyo in Japan, 16 Sep., 2020
  35. 'Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group' , the Institute of Astronomy, the National Central University in Taiwan, 29 Nov., 2019
  36. ‘Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group’, the Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo at Mitaka in Japan, 24 Oct., 2019
  37. ‘FRB cosmology and [CII] detection of a GRB host galaxy’, the Department of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo at Hongo in Japan, 15 Oct., 2019
  38. ‘Three discoveries from NTHU/Taiwan cosmology group’, National Centre for Nuclear Research in Poland, 1 Oct., 2019
  39. ‘Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 6 Sep., 2019
  40. ‘A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 11 Oct., 2018
  41. ‘A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, University of Tokyo in Japan, 4 Oct., 2018
  42. ‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 5 Sep., 2018
  43. ‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, Yunnan Observatory in China, 8 Aug., 2018
  44. ‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Central University in Taiwan, 27 Oct., 2017
  45. ‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 12 Oct., 2017
  46. ‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, 9 Aug., 2017
  • Public talk (Japanese, English translation)
  1. ‘Fast radio bursts’, a Symposium between Bicchu-Nishi Shoukoukai and the Nantou dark-sky community, Taipei, 15 Nov., (2024)
  2. ‘Astronomy’, senior high school students campus visit at NCHU, 8 July (2024)
  3. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts and Taiwanese new radio telescope, BURSTT’, Asahi culture center Yokohama (online), 30 Sep. (2023)
  4. ‘A new mystery in the Universe, fast radio bursts’, the Bisei Observatory 30th anniversary/Ibara City 70th anniversary memorial symposium , Japan, 9 Sep. (2023)
  5. ‘Astronomy and future prospects’, the Bisei junior high school seminar, Japan, 8 Sep. (2023)
  6. 'Gamma-Ray Bursts and Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts' , Asahi culture center in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 1st April (2023)
  7. ‘Origins of mysterious fast radio bursts’, ‘Tenpla’ tea chat, online, 21 March (2021)
  8. ‘Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts in TMT era’, Asahi culture center in Yokohama ‘The new Universe to be opened by a 30m telescope, TMT’, Kanagawa, Japan, 17 May (2014)
  9. ‘From Subaru to 30m telescope, TMT’, Starry sky summit, 60th anniversary of Bisei telescope, Okayama, Japan, 10 Nov. (2013)
  10. ‘Gamma-Ray Bursts, the most energetic explosion in the Universe’, NAOJ/Subaru telescope public talk ‘Hunting of the most biggest explosion in the Universe’, Tokyo, Japan, 9 June (2013)
  11. ‘Violent galaxy’, Asahi culture center in Yokohama ‘The active Universe’, Kanagawa, Japan, 16 June (2012)
  12. ‘Active galactic nuclei and super massive black hole’, ‘Ibara astronomical course’, 2 Nov. (2008)
  • Conference talk (English)
  1. ‘Simultaneous observations of an active repeater FRB 20240114A with Lulin One-meter Telescope and FAST’, Fast Radio Burst 2024 , Thailand, 4-8 Nov. (2024)
  2. ‘Expected science cases with BURSTT’, Localization of fast radio bursts in Taiwan 2024 , National Ilan University in Taiwan, 24 June, (2024)
  3. ‘Expected science cases with BURSTT’, 2024 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan , NCU in Taiwan, 24 Jan, (2024)
  4. 'Repeating rates of 36 fast radio bursts selected by machine learning' , the 2023 Scientific Assembly of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China , National Sun Yat-sen University, 19 May, (2023)
  5. 'Detection rate of fast radio bursts in the Milky Way with BURSTT' , 2023 Spring Annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan, online, 15 March, (2023)
  6. ‘Galaxy number densities around fast radio bursts’, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan , Tainan in Taiwan, 16 Jan., (2023)
  7. 'The origin of fast radio bursts implied from the cosmic stellar-mass density evolution' , '2022 ASROC Annual Meeting' , Chiayi in Taiwan, 1st Oct., (2022)
  8. ‘Fast Radio Bursts’, ‘ 2022 NCHU Astrophysics Symposium ’, online, 2 Sep., (2022)
  9. The origin of fast radio bursts implied from the cosmic stellar-mass density evolution , ‘GALAXY EVOLUTION WORKSHOP 2021’, online, 9 Feb., (2022)
  10. Revealing the cosmic reionization history with FRBs in the era of SKA , ‘FRB 2021’, online, 28 July - 5 August, (2021)
  11. Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array , ‘East Asia SKA Workshop 2021’, online, 28 May, (2021)
  12. Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array , ‘A precursor view of the SKA Sky’, online, 16 March, (2021)
  13. 'Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications' , ‘YITP International Molecule-type Workshop Fast Radio Bursts: A Mystery Being Solved?’, Kyoto in Japan and online, 17 Feb., (2021)
  14. 'Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of SquareKilometre Array' , ‘NEP conference 2020: Multi-Wavelength Astronomy Collaboration towards the New Era with Deep Survey Data’, Taipei in Taiwan, 27 Nov., (2020). I won the best talk award.
  15. 'Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of SquareKilometre Array' , ‘The first stars and first galaxies’, online conference, 18 Nov., (2020)
  16. 'Fast radio bursts to be detected with the Square Kilometre Array' , ‘Technology for Next Generation Space-Earth Environmental Radio Science’, online talk, 26 Aug., (2020)
  17. ‘Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA’, ‘The annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan, ALMA/Subaru special session’, online material, 17 Mar., (2020)
  18. 'Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA' , ‘East-Asia ALMA workshop’, held at ASIAA in Taiwan, 19 Feb., (2020)
  19. 'Luminosity-duration relation of fast radio bursts: a new tool for precision cosmology' , ‘the Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Taiwan 2020’, held at PingTung in Taiwan, 6 Feb., (2020)
  20. 'A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe' , ‘Galaxy Formation and Evolution Across Cosmic Time’, held at Taipei in Taiwan, 11 Dec., (2019)
  21. 'One step toward understanding cosmic re-ionization: absorption tests with a new QSO we discovered at z=6.6' , ‘Subaru 20th anniversary’, held at Kona/Hawaii in the USA, 19 Nov., (2019)
  22. 'A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe' , ‘Subaru 20th anniversary’, held at Kona/Hawaii in the USA, 19 Nov., (2019)
  23. ‘Why are some gamma-ray bursts hosted by oxygen-rich galaxies?’, ‘Yokohama GRB 2019’, held at Yokohama in Japan, 1 Nov., (2019)
  24. 'A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe' , ‘Future Science with Multi-Wavelength Data’, held in Taiwan, 25 June, (2019). I won the best talk award.
  25. ‘A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society o the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 17 May, (2019)
  26. 'Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?' , ‘Subaru-EAO High-z Galaxy Workshop 2019’, Tokyo, 1 Feb., (2019)
  27. ‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, ‘10th DTA symposium Stellar deaths and their diversity’, Tokyo, 22 Jan., (2019)
  28. 'The 4D Fundamental Metallicity Relation of SFGs' , ‘Science with AKARI NEP infrared data’, Taiwan, 27 June, (2018)
  29. ‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 20 May, (2018)
  30. ‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China’, 25 Jan, (2018)
  31. ‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life, held in Tokyo, 17-20 Oct., (2017).
  32. Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, ' Asia-Pacific Regional IAU meeting’, Taipei in Taiwan, 3-7 July, (2017)
  33. Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies', ' Galaxy Evolution Across Time ‘, Paris in France, 12-16 June, (2017)
  34. ‘The 4th Most Important Parameter of the Fundamental Metallicity Relation of Star-forming Galaxies’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 19 May, (2017)
  35. ‘The star formation rate and metallicity of the host galaxy of the dark GRB 080325 at z=1.78’, ‘The Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)’, 17 Jan., (2017)
  36. ‘THE STAR FORMATION RATE AND METALLICITY OF THE HOST GALAXY OF THE DARK GRB 080325 AT z = 1.78’, `GRB workshop 2015’, RIKEN, WAKO, Japan, 31 August, (2015)
  37. Study on GRB host galaxies in the TMT era', `Astronomy in the TMT Era', Tokyo, Japan, 16 Oct., (2013)
  38. ‘“Dark” GRB 080325 in a Dusty Massive Galaxy at z~2’, `Progenitors and Environments of Stellar Explosions, Paris', France, 28 June, (2010)
  39. ‘“Dark” GRB 080325 in a Dusty Massive Galaxy at z~2’, `Deciphering the Ancient Universe with Gamma-Ray Bursts', Kyoto, Japan, 22 April, (2010)
  40. ‘Large extinction in a dark GRB 080325’, `The Shocking Universe: Gamma-Ray Bursts Science in the Agile, Glast & Swift Era', Venice, Italy, 14 Sep., (2009)
  41. ‘Spectroscopic Analysis of Narrow Line Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei’, `OXFORD-COSMOCT Workshop on : The Interface between Galaxy formation and AGN', Messina, Italy, 19 May, (2008)
  • Invited talk (Japanese, English translation)
  1. ‘Mysterious fast radio bursts’, seminar organized by TOPPAN Holdings Inc, Japan (online), 17 Oct (2023)
  2. Towards uncovering the origin of fast radio bursts and future prospects of LST , LST seminar (online), 18 May (2023)
  3. 'The origin of fast radio bursts and key sciences to be addressed in future' , Japan Radio Astronomy Forum (online), 8 March (2022)
  • Conference talk (Japanese, English translation)
  1. 'Upper limits on Einstein's weak equivalence principle placed by uncertainties of dispersion measures of fast radio bursts' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan (online), 2 March (2022)
  2. Revealing the cosmic reionization history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array , ASJ annual meeting, Japan (online), 14 Sep. (2021)
  3. 'The origins of fast radio bursts' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan (online), 17 March (2021)
  4. No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio burst rates', High energy astrophysics workshop, online, 14 and 17 Dec. (2020)
  5. Luminosity functions of repeating and non-repeating fast radio bursts , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 9, Sep., (2020)
  6. 'Luminosity-Duration Relation of Fast Radio Bursts: a new tool for precision cosmology' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 13 Sep., (2019)
  7. 'Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 21 Sep. (2018)
  8. ‘Iron Abundances of Long GRB host galaxies’, ‘New innovation of Gamma-Ray Bursts’, Japan, 21 Nov. (2017)
  9. Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 11 Sep. (2017)
  10. 'Development of TMT Exposure Time Calculator' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 12 Sep. (2013)
  11. 'Near-infrared spectroscopy of a GRB 080325 host galaxy' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 19 Sep. (2012)
  12. 'Near-infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068 with OAO/ISLE' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 23 Sep. (2010)
  13. 'A large extinction for a ``dark''GRB080325 in a dusty massive galaxy' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 27 March (2010)
  14. 'Near-infrared integral-field spectroscopy of NGC 7319' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 11 Sep. (2008)
  15. 'Ionization diagnostics of AGN narrow-line regions based on SDSS' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 24 MArch (2008)
  16. 'Ionization mechanism of AGN narrow-line regions with SDSS data' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 20 Sep. (2006)
  17. 'Ionization mechanism of narrow-line regions in Seyfert galaxy NGC 7319' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 8 Oct. (2005)
  18. 'A relationship between radio ejecta and ionized-gas outflow in NGC 7319' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 22 Sep. (2004)
  19. 'The current status of follow-up observations of supernovae' , ASJ annual meeting, Japan, 25 March (2003)
  • Conference poster
  1. ‘Machine Learning Classification of Repeating FRBs from FRB121102’, 2024 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan , NCU in Taiwan, 26 Jan., (2024)
  2. ‘Energy functions of fast radio bursts derived from the first CHIME/FRB catalogue’, 'Fast Radio Bursts 2023' , India (online), 6 Nov., (2023)
  3. ‘Search for mysterious radio signals in the Universe’, '2023 RIKEN-NCHU JOINT SYMPOSIUM' , NCHU in Taiwan, 12 Sep., (2023)
  4. 'Detection Rate of Fast Radio Bursts in the Milky Way with BURSTT' , 2023 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Tainan in Taiwan, 16 Jan., (2023)
Tetsuya Hashimoto
Tetsuya Hashimoto
Associate professor (NCHU)