-An online lecture at the NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2022 workshop, ‘Fast Radio Bursts’, 5 July, (2022)
-An invited talk at the YITP FRB workshop 2022, ‘The origin of fast radio bursts implied from the cosmic stellar-mass density evolution’, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 7 June, (2022)
-An invited talk at the JGRG webinar organized by Japanese Universities, ‘Upper limits on Einstein’s weak equivalence principle placed by uncertainties of dispersion measures of fast radio bursts’, online, 30 March, (2022)
-An invited talk at Rizal Technological University, 'The origin of fast radio bursts and key sciences to be addressed in future' , online, 24 Feb. (2022)
-‘Energy functions of fast radio bursts derived from the first CHIME/FRB catalogue’, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Jan. (2022)
-‘Upper limits on Einstein’s weak equivalence principle placed by uncertainties of dispersion measures of fast radio bursts’, accepted for publication in Physical Review D, Nov., (2021)
-An invited talk at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, ‘Implications for the origin of fast radio bursts and testing general relativity’, Taiwan, 5 Nov., (2021)
-A lightning talk at the FRB 2021 conference, ‘Revealing the cosmic reionization history with FRBs in the era of SKA’, online, 28 July - 5 August, (2021)
-An invited talk at Yunnan University in China, ‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, online, 8 April, (2021)
-An invited talk at the CHIME/FRB journal club organized by the University of Toronto in Canada, ‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, online, 25 March, (2021)
-The press release (in Japanese) organized by the Astronomical Society of Japan, ‘The origins of mysterious fast radio bursts’, online, 15 March, (2021)
-A talk at the international conference, ‘A precursor view of the SKA Sky’, ‘Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array’, online, 16 March, (2021)
-A colloquium talk at NCU in Taiwan, ‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, 12 March, (2021)
-A talk at the international conference, ‘Fast Radio Bursts: A Mystery Being Solved?’, ‘Origins of fast radio bursts and their future applications’, Kyoto in Japan and online, 17 Feb., (2021)
-‘Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array’, accepted for publication in MNRAS, Jan., (2021)
-An invited talk at the international conference: ‘The extreme Universe viewed in very-high-energy gamma rays 2020’, ‘Fast radio bursts in the era of Cherenkov Telescope Array’, online, 4 Dec., (2020)
-The best talk award at the NEP conference 2020, ‘Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array’, Taipei and online, 27 Nov., (2020)
-‘Revealing the cosmic reionisation history with fast radio bursts in the era of Square Kilometre Array’, the first stars and first galaxies, online, 18 Nov., (2020)
-‘No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates’, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 30 Sep., (2020)
-‘No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates’, the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe/the University of Tokyo in Japan, Sep., (2020)
-‘Fast radio bursts to be detected with the Square Kilometre Array’, Technology for Next Generation Space-Earth Environmental Radio Science, online conference, 26 Aug., (2020)
-‘No redshift evolution of non-repeating fast radio-burst rates’ accepted for publication in MNRAS, Aug., (2020)
-‘Fast radio bursts to be detected with the Square Kilometre Array’ accepted for publication in MNRAS, Aug., (2020)
-‘Luminosity-duration relations and luminosity functions of repeating and non-repeating fast radio bursts’ accepted for publication in MNRAS, Apr., (2020)
-‘Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA’, the EAALMA workshop, ASIAA, Taiwan, 19 Feb., (2020)
-‘Luminosity-duration relation fast radio bursts’, the TPS meeting, the National PingTung University in Taiwan, 6 Feb., (2020)
-‘A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe’, Galaxy Formation and Evolution Across Cosmic Time, ASIAA, Taiwan, Dec. (2019)
-‘Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group’, the Institute of Astronomy, the National Central University in Taiwan, 29 Nov., (2019)
-‘One step toward understanding cosmic re-ionization: absorptiontests with a new QSO we discovered at z=6.6’, Subaru 20th anniversary, Kona Hawaii, the USA, Nov. (2019)
-‘A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe’, Subaru 20th anniversary, Kona Hawaii, the USA, Nov. (2019)
-‘Luminosity-Duration Relation of Fast Radio Bursts: a new tool for precision cosmology’, ASJ annual meeting, Kumamoto, Japan (2019)
-‘A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (2019), accepted.
-‘Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA’, MNRAS, (2019), accepted.
-‘Luminosity-Duration Relation of Fast Radio Bursts’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (2019), accepted.
-‘Why Are Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Hosted by Oxygen-rich Galaxies?’, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863:95 (14pp), (2018) August 10.
-The best talk award in an international conf., “Future Science with Multi-Wavelength Data”, ‘A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe’, MNRAS, (2019), accepted.
-‘Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies’, MNRAS, Volume 475, p.4424-4433. (2018)
-EAO high-z meeting (2019)
-Advertisement of NTHU cosmology group