Introduction of Professor

老 師 介紹



郭 瑞 年 教授

Jueinai Raynien Kwo

Physics Department,
National Tsing Hua University,
Hsin Chu, Taiwan, 30013
03-574-2800 (voice),
03-572-3052 (fax),


  || Top || Vita || Major Contributions || Major Publications ||



    Ph.D. Applied Physics, Stanford University, June 1981
    M.S. Applied Physics, Stanford University, June 1977
    B.S. Physics, National Taiwan University, June 1975


·       TWAS(世界科學院)2024物理科學獎 (2024)

·       台灣磁性技術協會(TAMT) 磁性技術獎章 (2018)

·       2017年亞太材料學院院士 (5/2017)

·       第20屆國家講座主持人獎 (12/2016)

·       台灣第八屆傑出女科學家獎 (3/2015)

·       國立台灣大學物理系傑出系友獎 (12/2014-迄今)

·       國立台灣大學講座教授暨終身特聘教授 (1/2010-7/2012)

·       美國物理學會會士 (11/2009)

·       國立清華大學特聘講座教授 (8/2008-迄今)

·       中華民國物理學會會士 (1/2005)

·       國立清華大學自然科學講座教授 (8/2004-7/2008)

·       傑出人才基金會傑出人才講座 (2/2004-2/2009)

·       國立清華大學台積電傑出人才講座 (8/2003-1/2004)

·       2001 Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) Award for seminal research achievements of Research, Agere Systems, formerly Bell Laboratories.

·       746th among the ISI's 1120 Most Cited Physicists (1981-1997) ranked by total citations in physics, astrophysics, materials science, chemical physics, and the related fields. (

·       CEEE Outstanding Paper Award, Center of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1988.


(I) Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University,
      (6/2003 till now).

·       8/2016-3/2017, Vice President for Research and Development, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

·       2015-2017, Vice President of International Union of Physics and Applied Physics, and C10 Chair

·       2015-2017, Board member of National Research Labs.

·       1/2010-7/2012, Director, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

·        1/2008-1/2010, President, the Physical Society of Republic of China

·        8/2008-12/2009, Director, Fundamental Science Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

·        8/2008-present, Tsing Hua Distinguished Chair professor

·        8/2005-7/2008, Chairperson, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University

·        8/2004-7/2008, Tsing Hua Natural Science Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University

·       6/2003-7/2004, TSMC Endowed Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University

·        6/2003-7/2005, Senior Advisor of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Major Research Programs: 

·       Research and development of the novel high k gate dielectrics program for nano Si CMOS, high mobility channel MOSFET based on Ge and III-V compound semiconductors.

·       Spintronics research :

      - Diluted magnetic oxide

      - Spin pumping, spin torgue-FMR

·       Emergent quantum matters: 3-D topological Insulators, TI/FM and TI/FI hetersotructures, and Stanene.

(II) Distinguished Member of Technical Staff:

        Electronic Device Research Laboratories, Agere Systems, (7/2000 - 3/2003)

  Major Research Programs: 

·       Fundamental studies of novel high k dielectric gate oxides for developing state of art III-V MOSFET technology for high speed and rf power applications.

·       Materials and physical research on alternative high κ gate dielectrics for Si CMOS front end process.

·       Employing a new transparent conductor film as a buffer oxide for 40Gbit LiNbO3 optical modulators.

(III) Member of Technical Staff:

Physical Research Division, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ, (6/1981-6/2000)

Major Research Programs: 

A. High κ Dielectric Materials (1994-2000)

Discovery of the mixed Ga-Gd-O oxide and the pure Gd2O3 gate oxide for effective surface passivation of compound semiconductors, and first demonstration of e-mode and d-mode inversion channel MOSFET devices.

Research on fundamental materials and processing issues of alternative gate dielectrics using rare earth oxides in replacing SiO2 for future generation Si CMOS by MBE.

Materials and physical properties of oxide/semiconductor interfaces, and defects dominated charge transport in high κ dielectrics

Thin film materials research on high κ dielectrics in binary (e.g. Ta2O5) and ternary (e.g. BaSrTiO3) metal oxide systems as MOM micro- capacitors for wireless and embedded DRAM applications.

B. Transparent Conductors (1993-1996)

Invention and thin film research on two transparent conducting oxides in the Ga-In-Sn-O and Zn-In-Sn-O systems with superior optical properties.

Applications for display and photonic devices.

C. High Temperature Superconductivity (1987-1995)

Thin film synthesis on high Tc superconductors of YBa2Cu3O7-x by molecular beam epitaxy with the innovation of an activated oxygen source.

Thin films studies of high Tc La2-xSrxCuO4, Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O, and Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O perovskites by reactive sputtering.

Fundamental and device studies of high quality single crystal super-conducting films including anisotropic transport and electronic structure, electron tunneling, Josephson tunneling, light scattering, flux lattice imaging, photo-detection, and thin film SQUID fabrication to shed light on the fundamental mechanism of HTSC.

D. Physics of Artificially Layered Structures (1982-1988)

Pioneered in the invention of metal molecular beam epitaxy,

Epitaxial growth of metallic multilayers, first fabrication of single crystalline magnetic rare earth superlattices in the Gd-Y, Dy-Y, Ho-Y,and Gd-Dy multilayers.

Discovery of modulated magnetic properties of magnetic multilayers, long-range magnetic order and spin tailoring through RKKY interaction in artificial magnetic superlattices.

E. Nanoparticle Physics (1981-1984)

Developed a seeded-metal cluster beam with time of flight spectroscopy to investigate physics of nanoclusters with a size ranging from 3 to 50 atoms per cluster.

Photoemission spectroscopy of ligated metal nanoclusters.

F. Artificial Tunnel Barries for Nb-Based Josephson Junctions (1981-1983)

Electron tunneling and XPS study of the Nb based tunnel junctions with Al, Y, and Mg overlayers to gain insight to the tunnel barrier formation.


(IV) Graduate Research Assistant, Stanford University, CA.

Low temperature physics group of Applied Physics Department with Prof. T. H. Geballe, (Oct. 1975 - June 1981).

• Thin film synthesis of A-15 superconductors by electron beam evaporation.

• Electron tunneling and upper critical field studies on thin films of transition metals and A-15 compounds.

• EXAFS of A-15 compounds at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory.


(V) Committee and Professional Society:

• Board Member of National Research Lab of Taiwan, 1/2015-12/2017.

• Vice President of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) executive board, Commission Shair, and Secretary, Member of Commission C 10, 2008-2017.

• President, Physical Society of Republic of China, Taiwan, (1/2008-12/2009).

• Executive board, Physical Society of Republic of China, Taiwan, (1/2004-12/2007).

• Life time Member of the American Physical Society (APS), member of the Materials Research Society (MRS) and the Metallurgical Society (TMS).

• Organizer and Chair of the conferences and symposia of APS, MRS, and TMS meetings.

• Member of the Electronic Device and Materials Committee, TMS, 1985-1990.

• Member of the Superconducting Materials Committee, TMS, 1988-1991.

• Consultant of the NASA Outer Space MBE Technology Center, Houston, TX, 1986-1988.

• Representative of Asian Pacific Island Women Forum of AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1988-1990.

• Committee of Member of the AT&T Bell Labs Graduate Research Program for Women and Summer Research Programs, 1988-1992.

• Executive Board of the Physical Society of Taiwan, 2003-2008.

  President, Physical Society of Taiwan, 1/2008-12/2009.

• Commissioner of International Union of Pure Physics and Applied Physics, 2008-2010.


  || Top || Vita || Major Contributions || Major Publications ||




-Major Contributions-

  • Elucidated the microscopic mechanism responsible for superconductivity in the A-15 compounds by tunneling studies. (year 1978-81)

  • Pioneered in metallic superlattices by inventing metal molecular beam epitaxy. (year 1982-84)

  • Discovered modulations of magnetic properties and observation of long range magnetic order in synthetic magnetic superlattices, which led to the subsequent discovery of the giant magnetoresistance effect, and revolutionalized the entire magnetic read/storage industry. (year 1985-88)

  • Pioneered in oxide molecular beam epitaxy producing single crystalline high temperature superconducting perovskite oxide films for probing anisotropic superconducting properties, and developing Josephson-coupled superconducting devices. (year 1988-1993)

  • Discoveries of two new transparent conducting oxides and innovation of thin film process for display and electro-optical devices. (year 1993-1995)

  • Innovations of high dielectric constant (κ) oxide thin films of (BaSr)TiO3 and Ta2O5 as microcapacitors for wireless and DRAM applications. (year 1995-1997)

  • Discovered a mixed oxide for compound semiconductors passivation with Dr. Minghwei Hong, and demonstrated the first GaAs-based MOSFET circuits. (year 1996-2002)

  • Pioneer of research on high k dielectrics as alternative gate oxide replacing silicon dioxide for 45-22 nm nano CMOS. (year 1998-2005).

  • World leader of high mobility channel semiconductors Ge and III-V semiconductors GaAs and InGaAs with record high electrical performance. (year 2003-2012)

  • MBE thin film synthesis of novel quantum matters, primarily 3-D topological insulators. (2013-2020)

  • Spintronic research including spin pumping, ST-FMR and spin transport of topological insulators based magnetic heterostructures. (2013-2020)

  • Evolution of the electronic structure of alpha-Tin (2018-2020)


-Major Publications-

    Refereed Papers:

1. “Nb3Al Thin-Film Synthesis by Electron-Beam Coevaporation", J. Kwo, R. H. Hammond, and T. H. Geballe, J. Appl. Phys., 51, 172, (1980).

2. “Superconducting Tunneling into Al5 Nb3Al Thin Films", J. Kwo and T. H. Geballe, Phys. Rev. B23, 3230 (1981).

3. “Microscopic Parameters of Al5 Nb3 Al, How Important is the Band Density of States?”, J. Kwo, T. P. Orlando and M. R. Beasley, Phys. Rev. B24, 2506 (1981).

4. “Stabilization and Strong Coupling Properties of High Transition Temperature Superconductors", T. H. Geballe, R. H. Hammond and J. Kwo, in “Synthesis and Properties of Metastable Phases”, ed. E. S. Machlin and T. J. Rowland, p. 67, (1981).

5. “CW Laser Annealing of Nb3Al and Nb3Si", T. Shibata, J. F. Gibbons, J. Kwo, R. D. Feldman and T. H. Geballe, J. Appl. Phys. 52, 1537 (1981).

6. “The Role of Disorder in Maximizing the Upper Critical Fields in the Nb-Sn System", T. P. Orlando, J. A. Alexander, S. J. Bending, J. Kwo, S. J. Poon, R. H. Hammond, M. R. Beasley, E. J. McNiff, Jr., and S. Foner, IEEE Trans. Mag. MAG-17, 368 (1981).

7. “XPS Study of Surface Oxidation of Nb/Al Overlayer Structures", J. Kwo, G. K. Wertheim, M. Gurvitch and D. N. E. Buchanan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 675 (1982).

8. “XPS and Tunneling Study of Air-Oxidized Overlayer Structures of Nb with Thin Mg, Y and Er", J. Kwo, G. K. Wertheim, M. Gurvitch and D. N. E. Buchanan, IEEE Trans. Mag. MAG-19, 791 (1983).

9. “Tunneling and Surface Properties of Oxidized Thin Metal Overlayers on Nb", M. Gurvitch and J. Kwo, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 30, 509 (1984).

10. “XPS Study of Bonding in Ligated Au Clusters", G. K. Wertheim, J. Kwo, B. K. Teo, and K. A. Keating, Sol. State Commun., 55, 357 (1985).

11. “Structural Properties of Single Crystal Rare-Earth Thin Films Y and Gd Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Kwo, D. B. McWhan, M. Hong, E. M. Gyorgy, L. C. Feldmann, and J. E. Cunningham, in“Layered Structures, Epitaxy and Interfaces”, Materials Research Society, eds. Gibson, and Dawson, 37, 509 (1985).

12. “Properties of Rare-Earth Metal Superlattices Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Kwo, E. M. Gyorgy, M. Hong, W. P. Lowe, D. B. McWhan and R. Superfine, J. Appl. Phys. 57, 3672 (1985).

13. “Magnetic and Structural Properties of Single Crystal Rare-Earth Gd/Y Superlattices", J. Kwo, E. M. Gyorgy, D. B. McWhan, M. Hong, F. J. Di Salvo, C. Vettier and J. E. Bower, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1402 (1985).

14. “Magnetic Properties of Single Crystal Rare Earth Gd-Y Superlattices", J. Kwo, E. M. Gyorgy, F. J. Di Salvo, M. Hong, Y. Yafet and D. B. McWhan, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 54-57, 771, (1986).

15. “Magnetic X-ray Scattering Study of Interfacial Magnetism in a Gd-Y Superlattice", C. Vettier, D. B. McMhan, E. M. Gyorgy, J. Kwo, B. M. Buntschuh and B. W. Batterman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 757, (1986). 

16. “"Magnetic X-ray Scattering From Superlattices", D. B. McWhan, C. Vettier, E. M. Gyorgy, J. Kwo, B. Buntschuh and B. Batterman, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 54-57, 7751, (1986).  

17. “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Single Crystal Rare-Earth Gd/Y Superlattices", J. Kwo, D. B. McWhan, F. J. Di Salvo, E. M. Gyorgy, and M. Hong, in “Layered Structures and Epitaxy”, Materials Research Society, eds. Gibson, Osbourn, and Tromp, 56, 211, (1986).

18. “Growth of Rare Earth Single Crystals by MBE: An Epitaxial Relationship Between hcp Rare Earth and bcc Nb", J. Kwo, M. Hong and D. B. McWhan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 319, (1986).

19. “Dipole-Dipole Interactions and 2-dimensional Ferromagnetism", Y. Yafet, J. Kwo and E. M. Gyorgy, Phys. Rev., Brief Report, 33, 6519, (1986).

20. “Observation of a Magnetic Antiphase Domain Structure with Long-Range Order in a Synthetic Gd-Y Superlattice", C. F. Majkrzak, J. W. Cable, J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. B. McWhan, Y. Yafet, J. V. Waszczak, and C. Vettier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2700, (1986).

21. “Polarized Neutron Diffraction Studies of Gd-Y Synthetic Superlattices", C. F. Majkrzak, J. W. Cable, J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. B. McWhan, Y. Yafet, J. V. Waszczak, H. Grimm, and C. Vettier, J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4055, (1987).

22. “Synthetic Magnetic Rare-Earth Dy-Y Superlattices", M. Hong, R. M. Fleming, J. Kwo, L. F. Schneemeyer, J. V. Waszczak, J. P. Mannaerts, C. F. Majkrzak, D. Gibbs, and J. Bohr, J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4052, (1987).

23. “Modulated Magnetic Properties in Synthetic Rare Earth Gd-Y Superlattices", J. Kwo, M. Hong, F. J. Di Salvo, J. V. Waszczak, C. F. Majkrzak, Phys. Rev. B. Rapid Comm. 35, 7925, (1987).

24. “Antiphase Domain Boundaries in the Superconducting Phase of Y-Ba-Cu-O System", C. H. Chen, D. J. Werder, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, and M. Hong, Phys. Rev. B35, 8767, (1987).

25. “Break-Junction Tunneling Measurements of the High Tc Superconductor YBa2Cu3O9-δ ”, J. Moreland, J. W. Ekin, L. F. Goodrich, T. E. Capobianco, A. F. Clark, J. Kwo, M. Hong, and S. H. Liou, Phys. Rev. B35, 8856 (1987).

26. “Transport Critical-Current Characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-x ”, J. W. Ekin, A. J. Panson, A. I. Braginski, M. A. Janocko, M. Hong, J. Kwo, S. H. Liou, D. W. Capone, II, and B. Flandermeyer, in “High Temperature Superconductors”, Materials Research Society , Eds. D. V. Gubser and M. Schluter, EA-11, p. 223, (1987). 

27. “Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Oxide Films by Sputtering", M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, and B. A. Davidson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 694 (1987). 

28. “Single Crystal Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Oxide Films by Molecular Bean Epitaxy", J. Kwo, M. Hong, R. M. Fleming, T. C. Hsieh, S. Liou, and B. A. Davidson, Conf. Proc. of International Workshop on "Novel Mechanism of Superconductivity", Plenum Press, New York, 1987, p. 699.  

29. “Structural and Superconducting Properties of Orientation-ordered YBa2Cu3O7-x Films Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh, R. M. Fleming, M. Hong, S. H. Liou, B. A. Davidson, L. C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. B56, 4039 (1987). 

30. “Evidence for Weak Link and Anisotropy Limitations on the Transport Critical Current in Bulk Polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-x , J. W. Ekin, A. I. Braginski, A. J. Panson, M. A. Janocko, D. W. Capone II, N. J. Zaluzec, B. Flandermeyer, O. F. de Lima, M. Hong, J. Kwo and S. H. Liou, J. Appl. Phys.62, 4821 (1987). 

31. “Raman Detection of Superconducting Gap in Ba-Y-Cu-O Superconductor", K. B. Lyons, S. H. Liou, M. Hong, H. S. Chen, J. Kwo and T. J. Negron, Phys. Rev. B36, 5592 (1987). 

32. “Low Magnetic Field Superconducting Phase Diagram of the High Tc YBa2Cu3O9-δ", J. E. Drumheller, G. V. Rubenacker, W. K. Ford, J. Anderson, M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo and C. T. Chen, Solid State Comm. 64, 509 (1987). 

33. “Observation of Hexagonally Ordered Flux Quanta in YBa2Cu3O7-x ", P. L. Gammel, D. J. Bishop, G. J. Dolan, J. Kwo, C. A. Murray, L. F. Schneemeyer and J. V. Waszczak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2592 (1987). 

34. “A Versatile Metallo-Organic Process for Preparing Superconducting Thin Films", M. E. Gross, M. Hong, S. H. Liou, P. K. Gallagher and J. Kwo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 160 (1988). 

35. “Oxygen Defect in YBa2Cu3Ox: An X-Ray Photoemission Approach", W. K. Ford, C. T. Chen, J. Anderson, J. Kwo, S. H. Liou, M. Hong, G. V. Rubenacker and J. E. Drumheller, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm. 37, 7924 (1988).

36. “Epitaxial Films of High Tc Oxide Superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 Grown on SrTiO3 by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh, M. Hong, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Liou, B. A. Davidson and L. C. Feldman, Proc. of Materials Research Society, 99, 339 (1988). 

37. “Ion-Beam-Induced Destruction of Superconducting Phase Coherence in YBa2Cu3O7-δ", A. E. White, K. T. Short, D. C. Jacobson, J. M. Poate, R. C. Dynes, P. M. Mankiewich, W. I. Skocpol, R. E. Howard, M. Anslowar, K. W. Baldwin, A. F. J. Levi, J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh and M. Hong, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm.37, 3755 (1988). 

38. “Ion-Beam-Induced Destruction of Superconducting Phase Coherence in YBa2Cu3O7-δ", A. E. White, K. T. Short, D. C. Jacobson, J. M. Poate, R. C. Dynes, P. M. Mankiewich, W. J. Skocpol, R. E. Howard, M. Anslowar, K. W. Baldwin, A. F. J. Levi, J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh and M. Hong, Proc. of Materials Research Society, 99, 531 (1988). 

39. “Observation of Hexagonally Ordered Flux Quanta in YBa2Cu3O7-δ”, P. L. Gammel, D. J. Bishop, G. J. Dolan, J. Kwo, C. A. Murray, L. F. Schneemeyer and J. V. Waszczak, Proc. of Materials. Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, 99, (1988).  

40. “Magnetic Rare Earth Superlattices", C. F. Majkrzak, D. Gibbs, P. Boni, A. I. Goldman, J. Kwo, M. Hong, T. C. Hsieh, R. M. Fleming, D. B. McWhan, Y. Yafet, J. W. Cable, J. Bohr, H. Grimm and C. L. Chien, Proc. of the 23rd Annual Conf. on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, J Appl. Phys. 63, 3447 (1988).

41. “nterlayer Exchange in Magnetic Superlattices", Y. Yafet, J. Kwo, M. Hong and C. F. Majkrzak, J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3453 (1988).  

42. “Electronic Excitations of YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductor: a Study by Transmission Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy with an Electron Microprobe", C. H. Chen, L. F. Schneemeyer, S. H. Liou, M. Hong, J. Kwo and H. S. Chen, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Commun. 37, 9780 (1988).  

43. “Microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconducting Thin Films Grown on SiTiO3 (100) Substrates", C. H. Chen, J. Kwo and M. Hong, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 841 (1988). 

44. “High Tc Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Oxide Films by Sputtering and Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Morphology, Structural Characterization and Superconducting Properties", S. H. Liou, M. Hong, B. A. Davidson, R. C. Farrow, J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh, R. M. Fleming, H. S. Chen, L. C. Feldman, A. R. Kortan, and R. J. Felder, AIP Conf. Proc. 165, 12 (1988).  

45. “Thin Films Research of High Tc Superconductors", M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. H. Chen, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Liou, M. E. Gross, B. A. Davidson, H. S. Chen, S. Nakahara and T. Boone, Conf. Proc. of American Institute of Physics, 165, 189 (1988).  

46. “Y-Ba-Cu-O Films by rf Magnetron Sputtering Using Single Composite Targets: Superconducting and Structural Properties", S. H. Liou, M. Hong, J. Kwo, B. A. Davidson, H. S. Chen, S. Nakahara, T. Boone and R. .J. Felder, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1735 (1988).  

47. “Observation of a Halide (F/Cl) Stabilized, New Perovskite Phase in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Films", J. Kwo, M. Hong, R. M. Fleming, A. F. Hebard, M. L. Mandich, A. M. DeSantolo, B. A. Davidson, P. Marsh and N. D. Hobbins, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1625 (1988).  

48. “High Critical Current Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films by Sputtering", M. Hong, J. Kwo and J. J. Yeh, J. Crystal Growth, 91, 382 (1988).  

49. “High Temperature Superconducting Oxide Films", M. Hong, J. Kwo and C. H. Chen, Proc. of 38th Electronic Components Conf. p. 146, (1988), IEEE Trans Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology, 11, 407, (1988).

50. “Superconducting Properties of a 27A Phase of Ba-Y-Cu-O", M. L. Mandich, A. M. DeSantolo, R. M. Fleming, P. Marsh, S. Nakahara, S. Sunshine, J. Kwo, M. Hong, T. Boone, T. Y.Kometani and L. Martinez-Miranda, Phys. Rev. B38, 5031 (1988). 

51. “Preparation of High Tc and Jc Films of YaB2Cu3O7-δ by Laser Evaporation and Observation of Superconductivity in a 27A phase", M. L. Mandich, A. M. DeSantolo, R. M. Fleming, P. Marsh, L. Martinez-Miranda, S. Nakahara, S. Sunshine, J. R. Kwo, M. Hong, T. Boone, B. A. Davidson and T. Kometani, SPIE. 948, 66 (1988). 

52. “Tunneling Characteristics of Internal Josephson Junctions in YaB2Cu3O7-δ W. S. Brocklesby, D. P. Monroe, M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, G. J. Fisanick, P. M. Mankiewich, and R. E. Howard, Phys. Rev. B, 38, 11805, (1988).

53. “Structural Determination of a Superconducting Ba2YCu4Ox Film by X-ray Diffraction", P. Marsh, R. M. Fleming, M. L. Mandich, A. M. DeSantolo, J. Kwo, M. Hong, L. Martinez-Miranda, Nature, 334, 141 (1988).

54. “Physical Processing Effects on Polycrystalline YBa2Cu3Ox", W. K. Ford, J. Anderson, G. V. Rubenacker, J. E. Drumheller, C. T. Chen, M. Hong, J. Kwo and S. H. Liou, Journal of Mat. Research, 4, 16, (1989).

55. “Superconducting Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Films by Sputtering", M. Hong, S. H. Liou, D. D. Bacon, G. S. Grader, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan and B. A. Davidson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2104, (1988).

56. “Magnetic Superlattices", J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. B. McWhan, Y. Yafet, R. M. Fleming, F. J. DiSalvo, J. V. Waszczak, C. F. Majkrzak, D. Gibbs, A. I. Goldman, P. Boni, J. Bohr, H. Grimm, C. L. Chien, and J. W. Cable, Proc. of ICM 88, Journal de Physique, Colloque, C8, 1651, (1988).  

57. “Transport Properties of High Tc Superconducting Oxides", A. T. Fiory, G. P. Espinosa, R. M. Fleming, G. S. Grader, M. Gurvitch, A. F. Hebard, R. E. Howard, J. Kwo, A. F. J. Levi, P. M. Mankiewich, S. Martin, C. E. Rice, L. F. Schneemeyer and A. E. White, JSAP-MRS Int'l. Conf. on Electrical Materials, Ed. T. Sugano, R. P. H. Chang, H. Kamimura, I. Hanyashi, and T. Kamiya, (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA), p. 3-8, (1989).

58. “In-situ Epitaxial Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy with an Activated Oxygen Source", J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. J. Trevor, R. M. Fleming, A. E. White, R. C. Farrow, A. R. Kortan, and K. N. Short, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2683, (1988).  

59. “Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films by Sputtering using a Single Target", M. Hong, J. J. Yeh, J. Kwo, R. J. Felder, A. Miller, K. Nassau, and D. D. Bacon, AIP Conf. Proc. of Am. Vac. Soc. Meeting, 182, 122, (1989).

60. “Single-phase High Tc Superconducting Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Films", M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, C. H. Chen, A. R. Kortan, and D. D. Bacon, AIP Conf Proc. of Am. Vac. Soc. Meeting, 182, 1017, (1989).  

61. “Properties of In-situ Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Films By Molecular Beam Epitaxy with an Activated Oxygen Source", J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. J. Trevor, R. M. Fleming, A. E. White, R. C. Farrow, A. R. Kortan, and K. N. Short, Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors, Plenum Press, London and New York, p. 101, (1989).

62. “Tl-Based Superconducting Films By Sputtering Using a Single Target", S. H. Liou, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, D. D. Bacon, C. H. Chen, R. C. Farrow, and G. S. Grader, Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors, Plenum Press, London and New York, p. 229, (1989).  

63. “Superlattice Modulation and Epitaxy of Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Thin Films Grown on MgO and SrTiO3 Substrates", C. H. Chen, M. Hong, D. J. Werder, J. Kwo, S. H. Liou, and D. D. Bacon, Appl. Phys. Lett., 54, 1579, (1989).

64. “Electrical Response of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x To Light", W. S. Brocklesby, Don Monroe, A. F. J. Levi, M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. E. Rice, P. M. Mankiewich, R. E. Howard, and S. H. Liou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1175, (1989).

65. “Diffraction Studies of Rare Earth Metals and Superlattices", J. Bohr, Doon Gibbs, J. D. Axe, D. E. Moncton, K. L. D'Amico, C. F. Majkrzak, J. Kwo, M. Hong, C. L. Chien, and J. Jenson, Conf. Proc. of Workshop on "X-ray and Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Materials", Physica B, 93, (1989).

66. “In-situ Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy with an Activated Oxygen Source", J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. J. Trevor, R. M. Fleming, A. E. White, J. P. Mannaerts, A. R. Kortan, and K. T. Short, Physica C, 162-164, 623, (1989).  

67. “Properties of Superconducting Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Films by Sputtering", M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. H. Chen, A. R. Kortan, D. D. Bacon, S. H. Liou, Thin Solid Films. 181, 173-180, (1989).  

68. “Materials and Tunneling Characteristics of HTSC YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", J. Kwo, M. Hong, T. A. Fulton, P. L. Gammel, and J. P. Mannaerts, in SPIE. 1187, "Processing of Films for High Tc Superconducting Electronics", p. 57. (1989).

69. “Observations of Quasiparticle Tunneling and Josephson Behavior in YBa2Cu3O7-x native barrier/Pb Thin Film Junctions," J. Kwo, T. A. Fulton, M. Hong and P. L. Gammel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 788, (1990).

70. “The Search for Circular Dichroism in High Tc Superconductors," K. B. Lyons, J. Kwo, J. F. Dillon, Jr., G. P. Espinosa, M. McGlashan-Powell, A. P. Ramirez and L. F. Schneemeyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2949, (1990).

71. “Magnetic Properties of Gd/Dy Superlattices: Experiment and Theory," R. E. Camley, J. Kwo, M. Hong and C. L. Chien, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2703, (1990). 

72. “Materials and Tunneling Characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-x Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy," J. Kwo, Conf. Proc. of 2nd ISTEC Workshop on Superconductivity, Kagoshima, Japan, 5/28-30, 1990.  

73. “MBE Growth and Properties of Fe3(Al, Si) on GaAs(100),"M. Hong, H. S. Chen, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. P. Mannaerts, B. Weir and L. C. Feldman, J. Crystal Growth, 111, 984, (1991).

74. “A Simple Way to Reduce Series Resistance in P-Doped Semiconductor Distributed Bragg Reflector," M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, J. M. Hong, R. J. Fisher, K. Tai, J. Kwo, J. M. Vandenberg, Y. H. Wang and J. Gamelin, J. of Crystal Growth, 111, 1052, (1991).  

75. “In-situ Growth and Properties of Single Crystalline-like La2-xSrxCuO4 Epitaxial Films by Off-axis Sputtering", H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, R. M. Fleming, M. Hong, and J. P. Mannaerts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 2748, (1991).

76. “Transport Properties of the La2-xSrxCuO4 compound", H. Takagi, B. Batlogg, R. J. Cava, J. Kwo, H. L. Kao, and M. Marezio, Conf. Proc. of the Materials and Mechanism of Superconductivity, July 22 -26, 1991, Japan.

77. “Study of Intermetallic Compound Fe3AlxSi1-x Epitaxially Grown on GaAs by Transmission Electron Microscopy," Y. F. Hsieh, M. Hong, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, H-S. Chen and J. P. Mannaerts, Conf. Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, (1991).

78. “High Temperature Superconducting Single Crystalline-like La2-xSrxCuO4 Epitaxial Films," J. Kwo and H. L. Kao, Conf. Proc. of the 4th Annual U.S./Japan Workshop on Superconductivity, Gaithersburg, MD, 11/25-26, (1991).

79. “La2-xSrxCuO4 Films of Tilted CuO2 Planes," J. Kwo, R. M. Fleming, H. L. Kao, D. J. Werder and C. H. Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 1905, (1992).  

80. “Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy of a Vortex and Field Fluctuations in La2-xSrxCuO4 Films," A. M. Chang, H. D. Hallen, H. F. Hess, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, A. Sudbo, and T. Y. Chang, Euro. Phys. Lett. 20, 645, (1992).

81. “Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy," A. M. Chang, H. D. Hallen, L. Harriott, H. F. Hess, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, R. E. Miller, R. Wolfe, J. van der Ziel and T. Y. Chang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1974, (1992).

82. “Systematic Evolution of Temperature Dependent Resistivity in La2-xSrxCuO4", H. Takagi, B. Batlogg, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, R. J. Cava, J. J. Krajewski and W. F. Peck, Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2975, (1992).  

83. “Out of Plane Orbital Characters of Conducting Holes in La2-xSrxCuO4", C. T. Chen, L. H. Tjeng, J. Kwo, H. L. Kao, P. Rudoff, F. Sette, and R. M. Fleming", Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2543, (1992).

84. “Microstructures of Thin Film La2-xSrxCuO4 on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3", D. J. Werder, C. H. Chen, H. L. Kao, and J. Kwo, Physica C.204, 155, (1992).  

85. “Charge Dynamics in Metallic CuO2 Layers", B. Batlogg, H. Takagi, H. L. Kao, and J. Kwo, in Electronic Properties of High Tc Superconductors, The Normal and Superconducting State, Ed. H. Kuzmany et al, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 113, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, Heidelberg (1993).  

86. “Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Single Crystal Ultra-thin Fe3Si Films on GaAs (001)", S. H. Liou, S. S. Malhotra, J. X. Shen, M. Hong, J. Kwo, H. S. Chen, and J. P. Mannaerts, J. of Appl. Phys. 73, 6766, (1993).  

87. “Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in Cuprate Superconductors: The Non-Reciprocal Polar Kerr Effect," K. B. Lyons, J. Dillon, S. Duclos, C. B. Eom, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, J. M. Phillips and M. P. Siegel, Phys. Rev. B, 47, 8195, (1993). 

88. “Systematic Evolution of Transport Anisotropy of La2-xSrxCuO4 as a Function of Doping", H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, H. Takagi, and B. Batlogg, Phys. Rev. B. Rapid Comm. 48, 9925, (1993).

9. “Scaling of the Temperature Dependent Hall Effect in La2-xSrxCuO4", H. Y. Hwang, B. Batlogg, H. Takagi, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, R. J. Cava, J. J. Krajewski and W. F. Peck, Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2975, (1994).

90. “Temperature Dependence of the Resonant Magnetic X-ray Scattering in Holmium," G. Helgesen, T. Thurston, J. P. Hill, D. Gibbs, J. Kwo and M. Hong, Phys. Rev. B50, 2990, (1994).

91. “GaInO3: A New Transparent Conducting Oxide", R. J. Cava, J. M. Phillips, J. Kwo, G. A.Thomas, R. B. van Dover, S. A. Carter, J. J. Krajewski, W. F. Peck, J. H. Marshall, and D. H. Rapkine, R. J. Cava, J. M. Phillips, J. Kwo, G. A. Thomas, R. B. van Dover, S. A. Carter, J. J. Krajewski, W. F. Peck, Jr., J. H. Marshall and D. H. Rapkine, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 2071, (1994).  

92. “Transparent Conducting Thin Films of GaInO3," J. M. Phillips, J. Kwo, G. A. Thomas, S. A. Carter, R. J. Cava, S. Y. Hou, J. J. Krajewski, J. H. Marshall, W. F. Peck, Jr., D. H. Rapkine and R. B. van Dover, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 115, (1994).

93. “Transprent Conducting Films of GaInO3 by Sputtering," J. Kwo, S. A. Carter, R. J. Cava, S. Y. Hou, J. M. Phillips, D. H. Rapkine, G. A. Thomas, and R. B. Van Dover, Mat. Res. Soc. Sympos. Proc. 345, p. 241, (1994).

94. “Transparent Conducting Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition," J. M. Phillips, R. J. Cava, S. Y. Hou, J. J. Krajewski, J. Kwo, J. H. Marshall, W. F. Peck, Jr., D. H. Rapkine, G. A. Thomas and R. B. van Dover, Mat. Res. Soc. Sympos. Proc., 345, p. 255, (1994).

95. “Growth and Characterization of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Thin Films on Si (100) by 90°Off-Axis," S. Y. Hou, J. Kwo, R. K. Watts, D. J. Werder, J. Shmulovich and H. M. O'Bryan, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 343, p. 457, (1994).

96. “Charge Dynamics in La2-xSrxCuO4 from Underdoping to Overdoping," B. Batlogg, H. Y. Hwang, H. Takagi, H. L. Kao, J. Kwo, and R. J. Cava, J. of Low Temp. Phys. 95, 23 (1994).

97. “Normal State Phase Diagram of La2-xSrxCuO4 from Charge and Spin Dynamics," B. Batlogg, H. Y. Hwang, H. Takagi, R. J. Cava, H. L. Kao, and J. Kwo, Physica C 235-240, 130-133 (1994).

98. “Low-Resistivity Non-Alloyed Ohmic Contacts to p- and n-GaAs Using In-Situ Integrated Process,"M. Hong, D. Vakhshoori, J. P. Mannaerts and J. Kwo, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 337, p. 287, (1994).

99. “In-Situ Fabricated Ga2O3-GaAs Structures with Low Interface Recombination Velocity," M. Passlack, M. Hong, E. F. Schubert, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, S. N. G. Chu, N. Moriya and F. A. Thiel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 625, (1995).

100.“Zinc Indium-Oxide: A High Conductivity Transparent Conducting Oxide," J. M. Phillips, R. J. Cava, G. A. Thomas, S. A.Carter, J. Kwo, T. Siegrist, J. J. Krajeski, J. H. Marhsall, W. F. Peck, Jr. and D. H. Rapkine, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2246, (1995).

101.“Heteroepitaxial Growth of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/SrRuO3 on YSZ/Si by Off-Axis Sputtering", S. Y. Hou, J. Kwo, R. K. Watts, J. Y. Cheng, R. J. Cava, W. F. Peck, and D. K. Fork, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 361, p. 99, (1995).

102. “Structure and Properties of Epitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/SrRuO3/YSZ Heterostructure on Si Grown by 90 degree Off-Axis Sputtering," S. Y. Hou, J. Kwo, R. K. Watts, J. Y. Cheng and D. K. Fork, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 1387, (1995).

103. “Heteroepitaxial Ba1-xKxBiO3/ La2-xSrxCuO4 Tunnel Junctions," E. S. Hellman, J. Kwo, A. Kussmaul and E. H. Hartford, Jr., Physica C. 251, 133, (1995).

104. “Structural and Dielectric Properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Thin Films Grown on Si by Off-Axis Sputtering," S. Y. Hou, J. Kwo, R. K. Watts, J. Y. Cheng and D. K. Fork, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 10. p. 343, (1996).

105.“Recombination Velocity at Oxide-GaAs interface Fabricated by In-situ Molecular Beam Epitaxay”, M. Passlack, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, and L. W. Tu, Appl. Phys. Lett, 68, 3605, (1996).

106. “Low Interface State Density Oxide-GaAs Structures Fabricated by In-Situ Molecular Beam Epitaxy," M. Hong, M. Passlack, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, N. Moriya, S. Y. Hou and V. J. Fratello, J. of Vacuum Science Tech. B 14(3), 2297, (1996).

107. “GaAs Surface Passivation Using In-situ Oxide Deposition", M. Passlack, M. Hong, R. L. Opila, J. P. Mannaerts, and J. Kwo, Journal of Applied Surface Science, 104-105, p. 441, (1996).

108. “Novel Heterostructures Produced Using In-situ Molecular Beam Epitaxy", M. Hong, M. Passlack, D. Y. Noh, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, in "State-of-the-art program on compound semiconductors XXIV" Ed. F. Ren et al, ECS The Electrochemical Society, p. 36, (1996).

109. “Enhancement-Mode p-channel GaAs MOSFETs on Semi-insulating Substrates", F. Ren, M. Hong, W. S. Hobson, J. M. Kuo, J. R. Lothian, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, December 8-11, 1996. IEEE IEDM Conf. Proc. 383, (1996).

110. “Low Dit Thermodynamically Stable Ga2O3-GaAs Interfaces: Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling", M. Passlack, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, R. L. Opila, S. N. G. Chu, N. Moriya, and F. Ren, IEEE Transaction of Electron Devices, 44 No. 2, 214-225, (1997).

111. “Novel Ga2O3(Gd2O3) Passivation Techniques To Produce Low Dit Oxide-GaAs Interfaces", M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, J. E. Bowers, J. Kwo, M. Passlack, W-Y. Hwang, and L. W. Tu, J. Crystal Growth, 175/176, pp.422-427, (1997).

112.“Demonstration of Enhancement-Mode p- and n-Channel GaAs MOSFETs With Ga2O3(Gd2O3) As Gate Oxide”, F. Ren, M. Hong, W. S. Hobson, J. M. Kuo, J. R. Lothian, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, Solid State Electronics, 41 (11), p.1751, (1997).

113.“Growth of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy Techniques - Key to First Demonstration of GaAs MOSFETs", M. Hong, F. Ren, W. S. Hobson, J. M. Kuo, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. R. Lothian, M. A. Marcus, C. T. Liu, A. M. Sergent, T. S. Lay, and Y. K. Chen, 24th IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, IOP series 97TH8272, Bristol and Philadelphia, p. 319-324, (1997).

114.“Characterization of The Interfacial Electronic Properties of Oxide Films on GaAs Fabrication by In-situ Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, J. S. Hwang, W. Y. Chou, G. S. Chang, S. L. Tyan, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, and J. Kwo, pp. 249-253, IOP series 97TH8272, Bristol and Philadelphia, (1997). (Based on a contributed paper given at 1997 24th IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors)

115.“III-V Compound Semiconductor MOSFETs Using Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as Gate Dielectric”, F. Ren, M. Hong, W. S. Hobson, J. M. Kuo, J. R. Lothian, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, GaAs IC Symposium Technical Digest, 97CH36098, p. 18-21, (1997).

116.“Oxide-GaAs Interfacial Electronic Properties Characterized by Modulation Spectroscopy of Photoreflectance", J. S. Hwang, S. L. Tyan, Y. C. Wang, W. Y. Chou, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, J. Appl. Phys., 83 (5), p.2857-9, (1998).

117.“Structural Properties of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) -GaAs Interfaces”, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, M. A. Marcus, J. Kwo, A. M. Sergent, L. J. Chou, K. C. Hsieh, and K. Y. Cheng, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B16(3), p.1395, (1998).

118.“Depletion Mode GaAs MOSFETs With of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as Gate Oxide”, M. Hong, F. Ren, J. M. Kuo, W. S. Hobson, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. R. Lothian, and Y. K. Chen, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B16(3), p.1398, (1998).

119.“A Ga2O3(Gd2O3) /InGaAs Enhancement-Mode n-Channel MOSFET”, F. Ren, J. M. Kuo, M. Hong, W. S. Hobson, J. R. Lothian, J. Lin, W. S. Tseng, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, IEEE Electron Device Letters, V. 19, No. 8, p. 309, (1998).

120.“Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as a Gate Dielectric for GaAs MOSFETs”, M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. T. Liu, M. A. Marcus, T. S. Lay, F. Ren, J. P. Mannaerts, K. K. Ng , Y. K. Chen, L. J. Chou, K. C. Hsieh, and K. Y. Cheng, "Light Emitting Devices for Optoelectronic Applications and the 28th State-of-the-art program on compound semiconductors" Ed. H. Q. Hou et al, ECS The Electrochemical Society Proceedings, 98-2, p. 434-442, (1998).

121.“Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as a Dielectric Insulator for GaAs Device Applications”, T. S. Lay, M. Hong, J. P. mannaerts, C. T. Liu, J. Kwo, F. Ren, M. A. Marcus, K. K. Ng , Y. K. Chen, L. J. Chou, K. C. Hsieh, and K. Y. Cheng, Conference Proceedings, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, SPIE’s Asia Pacific Symposium on Optoelectronics ’98, 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan.

122.“Depletion-Mode GaAs MOSFETs with Negligible Drain Current Drift and Hysteresis”, Y. C. Wang, M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, H. S. Tsai, J. J. Krajewski, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 6-9, 1998. IEDM Technical Digest pp. 67-70, (1998).

123.“Epitaxial Cubic Gd2O3 as a Dielectric for GaAs Passivation”, M. Hong, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. P. Mannaerts, and A. M. Sergent, Science, 283, p.1897-1900, (1999).

124.“Passivation of GaAs Using Gallium-Gadolinium Oxides”, J. Kwo, D. W. Murphy, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, R. L. Opila, R. L. Masaitis, and A. M. Sergent, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17 (3), p.1294-1296, (1999).

125.“Single Crystal Cubic Gd2O3 Films on GaAs – A New Dielectric For GaAs Passivation”, M. Hong, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. P. Mannaerts, M. C. Wu, and A. M. Sergent, in “III-V and IV-IV Materials and Processing Challenges for Highly Integrated Microelectonics and Optoelectronics”, Ed. S. A. Ringel et al, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 535, p. 151, (1999).

126.“Compound Semiconductor MOSFET’s Using (Ga,Gd)2O3 as Gate Dielectric”, M. Hong, F. Ren, Y. C. Wang, J. M. Kuo, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, in Int’l. Electron Devices and Materials Symp., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., IEDMS’98, p. 78-81, (1998).

127.“Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaAs Power MOSFET’s”, Y. C. Wang, M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. P. Mannaerts, H. S. Tsai, J. Kwo, J. J. Krajewski, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, Electronics Letters, 35, No. 8, 667, (1999).

128.“Demonstration of Sub-micron Depletion-Mode GaAs MOSFET’s with negligible drain current drift and hysteresis”, Y. C. Wang, M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, H. S. Tsai, J. J. Krajewski, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 20, p. 457-459, (1999).

129.“The (Ga2O3)1-x(Gd2O3)x Oxides With x=0–1.0 for GaAs Passivation”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, D. W. Murphy, J. P. Mannaerts, A. M. Sergent, Y. C. Wang, and K. C. Hsieh, in“Compound semiconductor surface passivation and novel device processing”, Ed. by H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, Z. H. Lu, and S. Pearton, Materials Research Society Proc. 573, pp. 57-68, (1999).

130.“Structure of Single Crystal Gd2O3 Films on GaAs (100)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. R. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, and N. Kopylov, in 131.“Compound semiconductor surface passivation and novel device processing”, Ed. by H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, Z. H. Lu, and S. Pearton, Materials Research Society Proc. 573, pp. 21-30, (1999).

131.“Advances in GaAs MOSFETs Using Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as Gate Oxide”, Y. C. Wang, M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, H. S. Tsai, J. J. Krajewski, J. S. Weiner, Y. K. Chen, and A. Y. Cho, in >“Compound semiconductor surface passivation and novel device processing”, Ed. by H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, Z. H. Lu, and S. Pearton, Materials Research Society Proc. 573, pp. 219-226, (1999).

132.“Energy Band Offsets at a Ga2O3(Gd2O3)-GaAs Interface”, T. S. Lay, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, W. H. Hung, and D. J. Huang, in 134.“Compound semiconductor surface passivation and novel device processing”, Ed. by H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, Z. H. Lu, and S. Pearton, Materials Research Society Proc. 573, pp. 131-136, (1999).

133.“Passivation of GaAs Using (Ga2O3)1-x(Gd2O3)x, (x=0–1.0) Films”, J. Kwo, D. W. Murphy, M. Hong, R. L. Opila, J. P. Mannaerts, R. L. Masaitis, and A. M. Sergent, Appl. Phys. Lett., 75,1116, (1999).

134.“Structure of Epitaxial Gd2O3 Films Grown on GaAs (100)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, and N. Kopylov, Phys. Rev. B60, 10913, (1999).

135.“The Structure of Epitaxial Gd2O3 Films and Their Registry on GaAs (100) Substrates”, B. Bolliger, M. Erbudak, M. Hong, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, and J. P. Mannaerts, 8th European Conf. Proc. On Application of Surface and Interface Analysis, Oct. 4-8, Svelle, Spain, (1999).

136.“Initial Growth of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) on GaAs – Key to The Attainment of a Low Interfacial Density of States” M. Hong, Z. H. Lu, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. P. Mannaerts, J. J. Krajewski, K. C. Hsieh, L. J. Chou, and K. Y. Cheng, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (3), 312, (2000).

137.“Neutron Scattering on Magnetic Thin Films: Pushing the Limits”, A. Schreyer, T. Schmitte, R. Siebrecht, H. Zabel, S. H. Lee, R. W. Erwin, J. Kwo, M. Hong, and C. F. Majkrzak, an invited paper in the 44th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, (1999), and J. Appl. Phys. 87 (9), p.5443-5448, (2000).

138.“Characteristics of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) /GaAs Interface-Structures and Compositions”, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. J. Krajewski, Z. H. Lu, K. C. Hsieh, and K. Y. Cheng, 18th NAMBE and J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B18, 1688, (2000).

139.“High ε gate dielectrics Gd2O3 and Y2O3 for Si”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, A.R. Kortan, K. T. Queeney, Y. J. Chabal, J. P. Mannaerts, T. Boone, J. J. Krajewski, A. M. Sergent, and J. M. Rosamilia, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77, 130, (2000).

140.“Properties of Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaN MIS Diodes”, M. Hong, K. A. Anselm, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, A. Y. Cho, A. R. Kortan, C. M. Lee*, J. I. Chyi*, and T. S. Lay, 18th NAMBE and J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B18, 1453, (2000).

141.“Extended x-ray Absorption Fine Structure Measurement of Bond-Length Strain in Epitaxial Gd2O3 on GaAs (001)”, E. J. Nelson, J. C. Woicik, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, Appl. Phys. Lett, 76, 2526, (2000).

142.“Defect Dominated Charge Transport in Amorphous Ta2O5 Thin Films” R. M. Fleming, D. V. Lang, C. D. W. Jones, M. L. Steigerwald, D. W. Murphy, G. B. Alers, Y. H. Wong, R. B. van Dover, J. Kwo, and A. M. Sergent, J. Appl. Phys, 88, 850, (2000).

143.“Insulator/GaN heterostructures of low interfacial density of states”, M. Hong, H. M. Ng, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. N. Baillargeon, K. A. Anselm, J. P. Mannaerts, A. Y. Cho, C. M. Lee, J. I. Chyi, T. S. Lay, F. Ren, C. R. Abernathy, and S. J. Pearton, in MRS Conf. Proc.“Wide bandgap electronic devices” Ed. by R. J. Shul, W. Pletschen, F. Ren, and M. Murakami, 2000.

144.“GaAs MOSFET – Achievements and challenges”, M. Hong, Y. C. Wang, F. Ren, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. N. Baillargeon, and A. Y. Cho,“Compound semiconductor power transistors II and state-of-the-art porgram on compound semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXXII), Ed. by R. Kopf, A. G. Baca, and S. N. G. Chu ECS Proc. volume 2000-1, p202.

145.“Low Dit Dielectric/GaN MOS Systems”, M. Hong, H. M. Ng, J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. N. Baillargeon, S. N. G. Chu, J. P. Mannaerts, A. Y. Cho, F. Ren, C. R. Abernathy, S. J. Pearton, and J. I. Chyi, in 148.“Compound semiconductor power transistors II and state-of-the-art program on compound semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXXII), Ed. by R. Kopf, A. G. Baca, and S. N. G. Chu ECS Proc. volume 2000-1, p. 103.

146.“Charge Transport in Anodized Ta2O5 Thin Films”, C. D. W. Jones, R. M. Fleming, D. V. Lang, M. L. Steigerwald, D. W. Murphy, B. Vyas, G. B. Alers, Y. H. Wong, R. B. van Dover, J. Kwo, A. M. Sergent, 197th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 14-19, (2000).

147.“The Structural Modifications of the Gd2O3 (110) Films on GaAs (100)”, C. Steiner, B. Bolliger, M. Erbudak, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, Phys. Rev. B rapid communications, Phys. Rev. B 62, R10, 614, (2000).

148.“Structure of the fluorite related Gd2O3 film on GaAs (100)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. J. Krajewski, N. Kopylov, C. Steiner, B. Bolliger, and M. Erbudak, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, 2000.

149. “GaAs MOSFET – Material Physics and Devices”, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, A. R. Kortan, J. P. Mannaerts, Y. C. Wang, and T. S. Lay, Proc. of the 8th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, p. 3, Ed. by Y.-D. Yao et al, World Scientific publishing Co. Singapore, 2000.

150.“Single Crystal Rare Earth Oxides on GaN”, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, C. M. Lee, and J. I. Chyi, submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000.

151.“Properties of High κ Gate Dielectrics Gd2O3 and Y2O3 for Si”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, K. L. Queeney, Y. J. Chabal, R. L. Opila, Jr., D. A. Muller, S. N. G. Chu, B. J. Sapjeta, T. S. Laya), J. P. Mannaerts, T. Boone, H. W. Krautter, J. J. Krajewski, A. M. Sergent, and J. M. Rosamilia, J. Appl. Phys, 89, 3920, 2001.

152.“First demonstration of GaAs CMOS”, J. N. Baillargeon, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, J. Kwo, C. T. Liu, and A. Y. Cho, in 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, IEEE publication series 00TH8498, p.345-350.

153.“Single crystal rare earth oxides epitaxially grown on GaN" by M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, C. M. Lee, and J. I.Chyi, in 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, IEEE publication series 00TH8498, p.495.

154.“New Phase Formation of Gd2O3 films on GaAs (100)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, J. J. Krajewski, N. Kopylov, C. Steiner, B. Bolliger, and M. Erbudak, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 19 (4), 1434, (2001).

155.“GaN MOSFET”, C. Abernathy et al presented at the Cornell conference, August 7-10, 2000.

156.“Interface Reactions of High- κ Y2O3 Gate Oxides With Si”, B. W. Busch, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, and B. J. Sapjeta, W. H. Schulte, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson, Appl. Phys. Lett, 79, 2447 (2001).

157.“Probing the microscopic compositions at Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaAs interface by core level photoelectron spectroscopy”, T. S. Lay, K. H. Huang, W. H. Hung, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, Solid State Electronics, 45, pp. 423-426, 2001.

158.“C-V and G-V characterization of Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaN capacitor with low interface state density”, T. S. Lay, W. D. Liu, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 9, 595 (2001).

159.“Energy-band parameters at the GaAs- and GaN-Ga2O3(Gd2O3) interfaces”, T. S. Lay, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, W. H. Hung, and D. J. Huang, Solid State Electronics, 2001.

160.“Medium energy ion scattering studies of the thermal evolution of alternative gate dielectric thin films”,D. Starodub, B.W. Busch, J. Kwo, T. Nishimura, S. Sayan, W.H. Schulte, T. Gustafsson and E. Garfunkel, Conf. Proc. of High k Dielectrics, Brazil, Sep., 2001.

161.“Single crystal GaN/Gd2O3/GaN heterostructure”, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, H. M. Ng, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, J. P. Mannaerts, A. Y. Cho, C. M. Lee, J. I. Chyi, and K. A. Anselm, 20th NA MBE October 1-3, 2001, and to be published in JVST 2002.

162.“High κ gate dielectrics for the silicon industry” L. Manchanda, B. Busch, M. L. Green, M. Morris, R. B. van Dover, R. Cow, and S. Aravamudhan, IWGI 2001 Extended Abstracts of International Workshop on Gate Insulator, 2001, Page(s): 56 –60.

163.“Interface reactions of high-κ Y2O3 gate oxides with Si”, B. W. Busch, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, B. J. Sapjeta, W. H. Schulte*, E. Garfunkel*, and T. Gustafsson*, Conf. Proc. of the 2001 IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference (SISC), Washington D.C., Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 2001.

164.“GaN/Gd2O3/GaN Single Crystal Heterostructure”, M. Hong, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, J. P. Mannaerts, and G. Dabbagh, A. R. Kortan, H. M. Ng, A. Y. Cho, and K. A. Anselm#, C. M. Lee, and J. I. Chyi, Conf. Proc. of the Electrochemical Society Meeting, May 12-17, 2002, Philadelphia, PA.

165.“Impact of metal/oxide interface on DC and RF performance of D-mode GaAs MOSFET employing MBE grown Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as gate dielectric”, B. Yang, P. Ye, J. Kwo, M. Frei, H. Gossmann, J. P. Mannaerts, M. Sergent, M. Hong, K. Ng, and J. Bude, Proc. of 2002 MBE Conf., Sep. 15-20, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

166.“Advances in High κ Gate Dielectrics for Si and III-V Semiconductors”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, B. Busch, D. A. Muller*, Y. J. Chabal, A. R. Kortan*, J. P. Mannaerts, B. Yang, P. Ye, H. Gossmann, A. M. Sergent, K. K. Ng, J. Bude, W. H. Schulte, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson, Proc. of 2002 MBE Conf., Sep. 15-20, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

167.“DC and RF characteristics of depletion-mode GaAs MOSFET employing a thin Ga2O3/Gd2O3 layer (74A) as gate dielectric”, B. Yang, P. D. Ye, J. Kwo, M. R. Frei, H. J. Gossmann, J. P. Mannaerts, M. Sergent, M. Hong, K. Ng, and J. Bude, Conf. Proc. of 2002 GaAs IC Symposium, Oct. 21-23, 2002, Monterey, CA.

168.“Optimization of AuGe/Ni/Au ohmic contacts for GaAs MOSFETs”, H. C. Lin, S. Senanayake, and K. Y. Cheng, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and B. Yang, in IEEE Trans. Elec, 2003.

169.“GaAs MOSFET with oxide gate dielectric grown by atomic layer deposition”, P.D. Ye, G.D. Wilk, J. Kwo, B. Yang, H.-J.L. Gossmann, M. Frei, S. N. G. Chu, J. P. Mannaerts, M. Sergent, M. Hong, K. K. Ng, and J. Bude, Electronic Device Letters, 2003.

170.“Optimization of AuGe/Ni/Au ohmic contacts for GaAs MOSFETs”, H. C. Lin, S. Senanayake, and K. Y. Cheng, M. Hong, J. Kwo, B. Yang, and J. P. Mannaerts, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., 50, no. 4, 880, (2003).

171.“Schottky Barrier Height and Interfacial State Density on Oxide-GaAs Interface”, J. S. Hwang, M. F. Chen, C. C. Chang, M. F. Chen, C. C. Chen, K. I. Lin, F. C. Tang, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, J. Appl. Phys. 94, 348, (2003).

172.“GaAs MOSFET with nm-thin dielectric grown by atomic layer deposition”, P. D. Ye, G. D. Wilk, B. Yang, J. Kwo, S. N. G. Chu, S. Nakahara, H.-J. L. Gossmann, J. P. Mannaerts, M. Hong, K. K. Ng, and J. Bude, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 180, (2003).


173.“Depletion Mode InGaAs Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor with Gate Oxide Dielectrics Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition “, P.D. Ye, G. D. Wilk, B. Yang, J. Kwo, H. J. L. Gosserman, M. Hong, K. K.Ng, and J. Bude, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 434, (2004).

174.“GaAs-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors with Al2O3 gate dielectrics grown by atomic layer deposition”, P. D. Ye, G. D. Wilk, B. Yang, J. Kwo, H. J. L. Gossmann, M. Frei, J. P. Mannaerts, M. Sergent, M. Hong, K. K. Ng, and J. Bude, J. Electron. Mater. 33, 912, (2004).

175.“Structures of Sc2O3 films epitaxially grown on α-Al2O3 (111)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. Kwo, P. Chang, C. P. Chen, J. P. Mannaerts, and S. H. Liou in Integration of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices—Critical Issues and Solutions, edited by J. Morais, D. Kumar, M. Houssa, R.K. Singh, D. Landheer, R. Ramesh, R.M. Wallace, S. Guha, and H. Koinuma (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 811, Warrendale, PA , 2004), p. E1.2.

176.“Epitaxial Growth and Structure of Thin Single Crystal gγ-Al2O3 Films on Si (111) Using e-Beam Evaporation of Sapphire in Ultra-High Vacuum”, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, and S. Y. Wu, in Integration of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices—Critical Issues and Solutions, edited by J. Morais, D. Kumar, M. Houssa, R.K. Singh, D. Landheer, R. Ramesh, R.M. Wallace, S. Guha, and H. Koinuma (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 811, Warrendale, PA , 2004), p. D9.5.

177.“Fundamental study and oxide reliability of the MBE grown Ga2-xGdxO3 dielectrics for compound semiconductor MOSFET's”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. P. Mannaerts, Y. D. Wu, Q. Y. Lee, B. Yang, and T. Gustafsson, in Integration of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices—Critical Issues and Solutions, edited by J. Morais, D. Kumar, M. Houssa, R.K. Singh, D. Landheer, R. Ramesh, R.M. Wallace, S. Guha, and H. Koinuma (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 811, Warrendale, PA , 2004), p. E1.12.

178.“Structure of S2O3 films epitaxially grown on α-Al2O3 (111)”, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, S. H. Liou, and N. submitted to Phys. Rev. B. (2004).

179.“High-quality thin single crystal γ-Al2O3 films grown on Si (111)”, S. Y. Wu, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, “Tailoring Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces – an enabling sub-nano approach for new science and next-generation high speed and high power devices” (氧化物-半導體界面控制 次奈米尺寸新興科學解決方案及次世代高速操作高功率元件), in Taiwan Nanotechnology (台灣奈米科技 2004 到嚮往的大未來), published by Nano-technology center of Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, 2004.

180.“High κ Gate Dielectrics for Si Nano Electronics”, J. Raynien Kwo, to appear in第一屆台灣分子束磊晶科技研討會,真空科技, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2004.

181.“The Quest for the Compound Semiconductor MOSFET – Technology beyond Si/SiO2 MOS”, M. Hong and J. Kwo, Plenary talk at MBE TAIWAN 2004, 第一屆台灣分子束磊晶科技研討會,真空科技, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2004.

182.“Towards GaAs MOSFET – MBE Growth, Processing, and Characterization”, P. J. Tsai, Y. W. Chen, H. P. Yang, P. Chang, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. Chi, and J. P. Mannaerts, 第一屆台灣分子束磊晶科技研討會,真空科技, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2004.

183.“Single Crystal γ-Al2O3 Films on Si (111) – Epitaxial Growth, Structural, and Electrical Properties” S. Y. Wu, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, 第一屆台灣分子束磊晶科技研討會, 真空科技, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2004.

184.“MBE Grown High κ Gate Dielectrics of HfO2 and (Hf-Al)O2 for Si and III-V Semiconductors Nano-electronics”, W. G. Lee, Y. J. Lee, Y. D. Wu, P. Chang, Y. L. Hsu, C. P. Chen, J. P. Mannaerts , S. Maikap, C. W. Liu, L. S. Lee, W. Y. Hsieh, M. J. Tsai, S. Y. Lin, R. L. Lo, M. Hong and J. Kwo, 第一屆台灣分子束磊晶科技研討會,真空科技, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2004.

185.“Demonstration of Atomically Abrupt Interface of HfO2 High κ Gate Dielectrics with Si for Nano CMOS”, Wei-Jin Lee, Yi-Jun Li, Ya-Ling Hsu, Kuen-Yu Lee, Chi-Hsin Chu, Chien-Chung Huang, Y. L. Huang, T. Gustafsson, E. Garfunkel, Sidhu Maikap, L. S. Lee, Shi-Yen Lin, Minghwei Hong, and Raynien Kwo, extended abstract in the proceeding of the Taiwan International Conference on Nano science, June 30-July3, 2004.

186.“Recent Advances in High κ for Nano CMOS”, J. Kwo, extended abstract in the proceeding of the Taiwan International Conference on Nano science, June 30-July3, 2004.

187.“Tailoring Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces – an Enabling Sub-nano Approach for New Science and Advanced Devices” , M. Hong and J. Kwo, extended abstract in the proceeding of the Taiwan International Conference on nano science, June 30-July 3, 2004.


188.“MBE Grown High κ Gate Dielectrics of HfO2 and (Hf-Al)O2 for Si and III-V Semiconductors Nano-electronics, W. G. Lee, Y. J. Lee, Y. D. Wu, P. Chang, Y. L. Hsu, C. P. Chen, J. P. Mannaerts , S. Maikap, C. W. Liu, L. S. Lee, M. J. Tsai, S. Y. Lin, T. Gustffson, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, J. Crystal Growth, 278, 619-623 , (2005)

189.“Epitaxial Growth and Structure of Thin Single Crystal Sc2O3 Films on Si (111)”, C .P. Chen, M. Hong, J. Kwo, H.-M. Cheng, Y. L. Hwang, S. Y. Lin, J. Chi, H.-Y. Lee, and J. P. Mannaerts, J. Crystal Growth, 278, 638-642, (2005).

190.“Interfaces by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. “, T. S. Lay, Y. Y. Liao, W. H. Hung, M.Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, 2004 International MBE conference proceeding, J. Crystal Growth, 278, 624-628, (2005).

191.“Depth Profile Study of the Electronic Structures at Ga2O3(Gd2O3) and Gd2O3/GaN interfaces by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. “, T. S. Lay, Y. Y. Liao, W. H. Hung, M.Hong, J. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts, 2004 International MBE conference proceeding, J. Crystal Growth, 278, 624-628, (2005).

192.“Depth-Profiling the Electronic Structures at HfO2/Si Interface Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, T. S. Lay, S. C. Chang, C. C. Yeh, W. H. Hung, J. Kwo and M. Hong, NAMBE 2004 – 22nd North American MBE conference – Banff, Alberta, Canada October 11-13, 2004, J. Vac. Sci.Technol., B 23 (3) , 1291-1293, (2005).

193.“Thermodynamic stability of Ga2O3 (Gd2O3)/GaAs Interface at High Temperatures”, Y. L. Huang, P. Chang, Z. K. Yang, Y. J. Lee, H. Y. Lee, H. J. Liu, J. Kwo , J. P. Mannaerts, and M. Hong * , Appl. Phys. Lett., 86 , 191905, (2005).

194.“ High-quality nanothickness Single Crystal Sc 2 O 3 Films Grown on Si (111) ”, M. Hong * , A. R. Kortan, P. Chang, C. P. Chen, Y. L. Huang, H. Y. Chou, H. Y. Lee, J. Kwo , M.-W. Chu, C. H. Chen, L. Goncharova, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson, Appl. Phys. Lett, 87, 251902, (2005).

195.“ High-quality thin Single Crystal γ-Al 2 O 3 Films Grown on Si (111 )”, S. Y. Wu, M. Hong * , A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo , J. P. Mannaerts, W. G. Lee, and Y. L. Huang , Appl. Phys. Lett, 87 , 091908, (2005).

196.“Surface Passivation of III-V Compound Semiconductors Using Atomic-layer-deposition Grown Al 2 O 3 ” , M. L. Huang, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chang, Y. J. Lee, and P. Chang, J. Kwo , T. B. Wu, and M. Hong * , Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 , 252104, (2005).


197.    “Structure of Sc2O3 films epitaxially grown on a-Al2O3 (0001), A. R. Kortan*, N. Kopylov, J. Kwo, M. Hong*, C. P. Chen, J. P. Mannaerts, and S. H. Liou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021906, (2006). Cited0, SCI3.977. 

198.    “Scanning Atomic Force Microscopic Nanolithography on Hafnium Oxide Thin Film Grown on Si (100)”, Rong-Li Lo*, W.-C. Lee and J. Kwo, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2067, (2006).Cited3, SCI1.222

199.    Energy-band parameters of atomic-layer-deposition-Al2O3/InGaAs heterostructures”, M. L. Huang, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chang, T. D. Lin, J. Kwo, T. B. Wu, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 012903, (2006). Cited37, SCI3.977

200.    Structural and electrical studies of Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaAs under high temperature annealing”, C. P. Chen, Y. J. Lee, Y. C. Chang, Z. K. Yang, M. Hong*, J. Kwo, H. Y. Lee, and T. S. Lay, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 104502, (2006). Cited18, SCI2.316

201.    “Structure of HfO2 films epitaxially grown on GaAs (001)”, C. H. Hsu, P. Chang, Z. K. Yang, Y. J. Lee, M. Hong, J. Kwo*, C. M. Huang, and H. Y. Lee, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 122907, (2006).Cited17, SCI3.977

202.    “A molecular beam epitaxy grown template for subsequent atomic layer deposition of high  dielectrics”, K. Y. Lee, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, M. L. Huang, C. H. Chang, T. B. Wu, M. Hong, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 222906, (2006). Cited7, SCI3.977

203.    “Interfacial self-cleaning of atomic layer deposition of HfO2 gate dielectrics on In0.15Ga0.85As”, C. H. Chang, Y. K. Chiu, Y. C. Chang, K. Y. Lee, T. D. Lin, T. B. Wu*, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 242911 (2006). (Cited37, SCI3.977


204.    “A novel approach of using a MBE template for ALD growth of high k dielectrics”, K. Y. Lee, W. C. Lee, M. L. Huang, C. H. Chang, Y. J. Lee, Y. K. Chiu, T. B. Wu, M. Hong and J. Kwo*, Journal of Crystal growth, 301-302, 378-380, (2007). Cited3, SCI1.950

205.    “MBE Grown High-Quality Gd2O3/ Si (111) Heterostructure”, T. D. Lin, M. C. Hang, P. Chang, W. C. Lee, Z. K. Yang, H. Niu, C. H. Hsu, J. Kwo, and M. Hong*, Journal of Crystal growth, 301-302, 386-389, (2007).Cited9, SCI1.950

206.    “MBE grown high κ dielectrics of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) for GaN”, Y. C. Chang, Y. N. Chiu, S. Y. Wu, H. C. Chiu, P. Chang, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo, Y. H. Wang, and M. Hong*, Journal of Crystal Growth, 301-302, 390-393, (2007). Cited13, SCI1.950

207.    “Structural and Magnetic properties of Epitaxial Fe3Si/GaAs Heterostructures”, Y. L. Hsu, M. L. Huang, Y. N. Chiu, C. C. Ho, P. Chang, C. H. Hsu, M. Hong and J. Kwo*, Journal of Crystal Growth, 301-302, 588-591, (2007). Cited4, SCI1.950

208.    “Interfacial trap characteristics in depletion mode GaAs MOSFETs”, T. C. Lee, C. Y. Chan, P. J. Tsai, Shawn S. H. Hsu, J. Kwo, M. Hong*, Journal of Crystal Growth, 301-302, 1009-1012, (2007). Cited1, SCI1.950

209.    “Depletion mode GaAs-based MOSFET with Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as a gate dielectric”, P. J. Tsai, L. K. Chu, Y. W. Chen, U. N. Chiu, H. P. Yang, P. Chang, J. Kwo, J. Chi, and M. Hong*, Journal of Crystal Growth, 301-302, 1013-1016, (2007). Cited7, SCI1.950

210.    “Defining new frontiers in electronic devices with high k dielectrics and interfacial engineering”, M. Hong*, W. C. Lee, M. L. Huang, Y. C. Chang, T. D. Lin, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo, C. H. Hsu and H. Y. Lee, Thin Solid Films, 515, 5581 (2007).Cited4, SCI1.693

211.    III-V MOSFET’s with High k Dielectrics”, M. Hong,* J. Kwo, P. C. Tsai , Y. C. Chang, M. L. Huang , C. P. Chen, and T. D. Lin, Japan, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46, 5B : 31672007(Cited37, SCI : 1.247) 

212.    “Effect of Al incorporation in the thermal stability of atomic-layer-deposited HfO2 for gate dielectric applications”,  Yan-Kai Chiou, Che-Hao Chang, Chen-Chan Wang, Kun-Yu Lee, Tai-Bor Wu*, Raynien Kwo and Minghwei Hong, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (4) G99-G102 (2007).  (Cited8, SCI: 2.483)

213.    “Advance in Next Century Nano CMOSFET Research and Its Future Prospects for Industry”, Huey-liang Hwang, Yan-Kai Chiou, Che-Hao Chang, Chen-Chan Wang, Kun-Yu Lee, Tai-Bor Wu, J. Raynien Kwo, and Minghwei Hong, Kuei-Shu Chang-Liao, Chun-Yuan Lu, Chun-Chang Lu, Yin Yin Kyi, Albert Chin, Chun-Heng Chen, Joseph Ya-min Lee, and Fu-Chien Chiu, Applied Surface Science, 254(1), 236-241, (2007). (Cited0, SCI : 1.406)

214.    “Cubic HfO2 doped with Y2O3 epitaxial films on GaAs (001) with high dielectric constant”, Z. K. Yang, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, P. Chang, M. L. Huang, and M. Hong, C.-H. Hsu, J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 152908 (2007). Cited19, SCI3.596

215.    “Structural and electrical characteristics of atomic layer deposited high k HfO2 on GaN”, Y. C. Chang, H. C. Chiu, Y. J. Lee, M. L. Huang, K. Y. Lee, and M. Hong*, Y. N. Chiu, J. Kwo, and Y. H. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 232904 (2007).Cited19, SCI3.596

216.    “Observation of room temperature ferromagnetic behavior in cluster free in Co doped HfO2 films”, Y. H. Chang, Y. L. Soo, S. F. Lee, W. C. Lee, M. L. Huang, Y. J. Lee, S. C. Weng, W. H. Sun, J. M. Ablett, C-. C. Kao, M. Hong, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 082504 (2007).Cited6, SCI3.596

217.    “Structural and compositional investigation of yttrium-doped HfO2 films epitaxially grown on Si (111)”, Z. K. Yang, Y. J. Lee, W. C. Lee, P. Chang, M. L. Huang,, M. Hong, K. L. Yu, M.-T. Tang, and C.-H. Hsu*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phy. Lett, 91, 202909 (2007). (Cited4, SCI3.596 

218.    “Local Environment Surrounding Co in MBE-grown Co-doped HfO2 Thin Films Probed by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure”, Y. L. Soo*, S. C. Weng, W. H. Sun, S. L. Chang, W. C. Lee, Y. S. Chang, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. M. Ablett, C-. C. Kao, D. G. Liu, and J. F. Lee, Phys. Rev. B. Brief Report, 76, 132404 (2007).Cited4, SCI3.172

219. “Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/Si3N4 Dual Layer Gate Dielectric for InGaAs Enhancement Mode MOSFET with Channel Inversion”, J. F. Zheng , W. Tsai, T. D. Lin, Y. J. Lee, C. P. Chen, and M. Hong*, J. Kwo, S. Cui, and T. P. Ma, Appl. Phys. Lett, 91, 223502, (2007).Cited11, SCI3.596


220.    “Time dependent preferential sputtering in the HfO2 layer on Si”, S. J. Chang, W. C. Lee, J. C. Huang*, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Thin Solid Films, 516, 948 (2008).Cited9, SCI1.693

221.   “Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy study of metal-oxide-semiconductor device with high-κ gate dielectrics”, S. L. You, C. C. Huang, H. C. Ho, J Kwo*, W. C. Lee and M. Hong, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 012113 (2008).Cited3, SCI3.726

222.   “Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of HfO2/GaAs Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, S. C. Liou, M. W. Chu*, C. H. Chen, Y. J. Lee, P. Chang, W. C. Lee, Z. K. Yang, M. Hong, J. Kwo, Applied Physics A-materials science and processing91, 585, (2008). (Cited2, SCI1.857 

223.   “Nano-meter thick Y2O3 films grown on Si (111) approaching a structural perfection”, C. W. Nieh, Y. J. Lee, W. C. Lee, Z. K. Yang, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong*, J. Kwo, and C. H. Hsu*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 92, 061914 (2008).  (Cited5, SCI3.726)

224.    Atomic-layer-deposited HfO2 on In0.53Ga0.47As – passivation and energy-band parameters”, Y. C. Chang, M. L. Huang, K. Y. Lee, Y. J. Lee, T. D. Lin, M. Hong *,  J. Kwo* , T. S. Lay, C. C. Liao and K. Y. Cheng, Appl. Phys. Lett, 92, 072901 (2008). Cited37, SCI3.726 

225.   “Si metal-oxide-semiconductor devices with high κ dielectrics fabricated using a novel MBE template approach followed by atomic layer deposition”, C. H. Pan, J. Kwo*, K. Y. Lee, W. C. Lee, L. K. Chu, M. L. Huang, Y. J. Lee, and M. Hong, JVST 2008, 25th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, September 23-26, 2007, Conf. Proc in J. Vacu. Scien. Tech. B, 26, 1178, (2008).Cited2, SCI1.445

226.   “Growth and Structural Characteristics of GaN/AlN/nano thick g-Al2O3/Si (111) ”, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, L. T. Tung, S. Y. Wu, C. H. Lee, M. Hong*, H. M. Ng, J. Kwo, and C. H. Hsu, JVST 2008, 25th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, September 23-26, 2007, Conf. Proc. in J. Vacu. Scien. Tech. B, 26, 1064, (2008).Cited5, SCI1.445

227.    “High-quality nano thick single crystal Y2O3 films epitaxially grown on Si (111) – growth and structural characteristics”, Y. J. Lee, W. C. Lee, C. W. Nieh, Z. K. Yang, A. R. Kortan, M. Hong*, J. Kwo, and C.-H. Hsu, JVST 2008. 25th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, September 23-26, 2007. Conf. Proc. in J. Vacu. Scien. Tech. B, 26, 1124 (2008).Cited6, SCI1.445

228. “Oxide scalability in Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/In 0.2Ga0.80As/GaAs hetero-structures”, K. H. Shiu, C. H. Chiang, Y. J. Lee, W. C. Lee, P. Chang, L. T. Tung, M. Hong* , J. Kwo, and W. Tsai, JVST 2008. 25th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, September 23-26, 2007, Conf. Proc. J. Vacu. Scien. Tech. B, 26, 1132, (2008).Cited10, SCI1.445

229.    “Molecular beam epitaxy grown Ga2O3 (Gd2O3) high-κ dielectrics for Germanium passivation-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrical characteristics”, C. H. Lee, T. D Lin, K. Y. Lee, L. T. Tung, Y. C. Chang, M. L. Huang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo, JVST 2008, 25th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, September 23-26, 2007, Conf. Proc. in J. Vacu. Scien. Tech. B, 26, 1128, (2008).Cited15, SCI1.445

230.    Correlation between Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence for Epitaxial ZnO on Si (111) using a g-Al2O3 Buffer Layer, W.-R. Liu, Y.-H. Li, and W. F. Hsieh*, C.-H. Hsu*, W. C. Lee, M. Hong, J. Kwo, J. Physics, D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 41, 065105, (2008).Cited3, SCI2.104

231.    “1nm equivalent oxide thickness in Ga2O3 (Gd2O3) / In0.2Ga0.8As metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors”, K. H. Shiu, T. H. Chiang, P. Chang, L. T. Tung, W. Tsai, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Applied Phys. Letters, 92, 172904, (2008).Cited24, SCI3.726

232.    “Achieving one nanometer capacitive effective thickness in atomic layer deposited HfO2 on In0.53Ga0.47As,” K. Y. Lee, Y. J. Lee, P. Chang, M. L. Huang, Y. C. Chang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Letters, 92, 252908, (2008).Cited14, SCI3.726

233.  “High-performance self-aligned inversion-channel In0.53Ga0.47As metal- oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as gate dielectrics”, T. D. Lin, H. C. Chiu, P. Chang, L. T. Tung, C. P. Chen, M. Hong*, J. Kwo*, Y. C. Wang, and W. Tsai, Appl. Phys. Lett, 93, 033516, (2008).Cited54, SCI3.726

234.    “Inversion-channel GaN nMOSFET with atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 as gate dielectric”, Y. C. Chang, W. H. Chang, H. C. Chiu, L. T. Tung, C. H. Lee, K. H. Shiu, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 93, 053504 (2008).Cited15, SCI3.726

235.   “Self-aligned inversion n-channel In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors with TiN gate and Ga2O3(Gd2O3) dielectric”, C. P. Chen, T. D. Lin, Y. J. Lee, Y. C. Chang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo, Solid-State Electronics 52, 1615 (2008). Presented at the 2007 ISDRS Univ. Maryland. (Cited11, SCI: 1.577)

236.    Achieving a low interfacial of states in atomic layer deposited Al2O3 on In0.53Ga0.47As, H. C. Chiu, L. T. Tung, Y. H. Chang, Y. J. Lee, C. C. Chang, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 93, 202903, (2008). Cited15, SCI3.726

237.  “Approaching Fermi level unpinning in oxide-In0.2Ga0.8As”, T. H. Chiang, W. C. Lee, K. H. Shiu, D. Lin, T. D. Lin, J. Kwo, W. E. Wang , W. Tsai, and M. Hong, IEDM Abstract Digest , San Francisco, Dec. (2008).


238.    “Depletion-mode InGaAs MOSFET with MBE grown Ga2O3(Gd2O3) gate dielectric”, C. A. Lin, T. D. Lin, C. H. Chiang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 1954 (2009). (Cited5, SCI: 1.534 )

239.    “Research Advances on III-V MOSFET Electronics Beyond Si CMOS”, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 1944 (2009). (Cited4, SCI: 1.534)

240.    “MBE grown nm-thick single crystal Sc2O3 template on Si for GaN overgrowth”, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, C. H. Lee, S. Y. Wu, J. Kwo*, C. H. Hsu, H. M. Ng, and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 2006, (2009). (Cited2, SCI: 1.534)

241.    “GaN metal oxide semiconductor diode with MBE-Al2O3 as a template followed by ALD growth - Electrical and interfacial characteristics”, Y. H. Chang, H. C. Chiu, W. H. Chang, W. C. Lee, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008), J. Crystal Growth, 311, 2084, (2009). (Cited2, SCI: 1.534)

242.    “High k dielectric single-crystal monoclinic Gd2O3 on GaN with excellent thermal, structural, and electrical properties”, W. H. Chang, C. H. Lee, P. Chang, Y. C. Chang, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo*, C. C. Tsai, J. M. Hong, C.-H. Hsu, and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 2183-2186 (2009). (Cited7, SCI: 1.534 )

243.    Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Al2O3/HfO2 High-κ Dielectrics for Germanium”, W. C. Lee, B. H. Chin, C. H. Lee, L. K. Chu, Y. J. Lee, L. T. Tung, T. D. Lin, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth. 311, 2187 (2009). (Cited8, SCI: 1.534)

244.    Metal-oxide-semiconductor devices with molecular beam epitaxy-grown Y2O3 on Ge” L. K. Chu, W. C. Lee, M. L. Huang, Y. H. Chang, L. T. Tung, C. C. Chang, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 2195-2198 (2009). (Cited7, SCI: 1.534 )

245.    “Inversion Channel Enhancement mode MOSFETs with Regrown Source and Drain Contacts”, C. Liao, D. Cheng, C. Cheng, K. Y. Cheng*, M. Feng, C. H. Chiang, J. Kwo, and M. Hong*, the 15th International Molecular beam Epitaxy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Aug 4-8, (2008); J. Crystal Growth, 311, 1958. (Cited1, SCI: 1.534)

246.    “Energy Band Parameters of Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 and HfO2 on InxGa1-xAs”, M. L. Huang, Y. C. Chang, Y. H. Chang, T. D. Lin, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 94, 052106, (2009). Cited7, SCI3.554

247.    Domain Matching Epitaxial Growth of High-quality ZnO film using an Y2O3 buffer layer on Si (111)”, W.-R. Liu, Y.-H. Li, and W. F. Hsieh*, C.-H. Hsu*, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Crystal Growth Des. 9 (1), 239-242 (2009).  (Cited5, SCI4.162

248. Ga2O3(Gd2O3) on Ge without interfacial layers: energy-band parameters and metal oxide semiconductor devices”, L. K. Chu, T. D. Lin, M. L. Huang, R. L. Chu, C. C. Chang, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 94, 202108, (2009).Cited10, SCI3.554

249.    “Surface Exciton Polariton in HfO2: Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy Study”, S.-C. Liou, M.-W. Chu*, Y.-J. Lee, M. Hong, J. Kwo, and C. H. Chen, New Journal of Physics 11, 103009 (2009).Cited1, SCI3.312

250. “Nanometer-Thick Single Crystal Hexagonal Gd2O3 on GaN for Advanced Complementary Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Technology”, by Wen Hsin Chang, Chih Hsun Lee, Yao Chung Chang, Pen Chang, Mao Lin Huang, Yi Jun Lee, C.-H. Hsu, J. Raynien*, and Minghwei Hong*, Advanced Materials, 21, 4970, (2009). Cited4, SCI8.379

251.    “Advances on III-V MOSFET for Science and Technology beyond Si CMOS”, J. Kwo*, T. D. Lin, M. L. Huang, P. Chang, Y. J. Lee, and M. Hong*, ECS Transactions, Volume 19, "Silicon Nitride, Silicon Dioxide, and Emerging Dielectrics 10", Vol 19 (2), p 593-603, (2009).  (SCI: 0)

252.    “InGaAs MOSCAPs and self-aligned inversion-channel MOSFETs with Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as a gate dielectric”, T. D. Lin, H. C. Chiu, P. Chang, W. C. Lee, T. H. Chiang, J. Kwo*, W. Tsai, and M. Hong*, ECS Transactions, vol. 19, Graphene and Emerging Materials for Post-CMOS Applications, Vol. 19(5),  p. 351-360,  (2009).  (SCI: 0)

253.    “InGaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices with High k Dielectrics for Science and Technology beyond Si CMOS”, M. Hong*, J. Kwo*, T. D. Lin, and M. L. Huang, MRS Bulletin, 34, 514, (2009).Cited9, SCI6.330


254.    Magnetic excitations in Dy/Y superlattices as seen via inelastic neutron scattering”, A. T. D. Grünwald, A. R. Wildes*, W. Schmidt, E. V. Tartakovskaya, J. Kwo, C. Majkrzak, R. C. C. Ward, and A. Schreyer, Phys. Rev. B. 82, 014426, (2010). (Cited0, SCI3.772

255.    “High quality Ga2O3(Gd2O3) on Ge (100) – electrical and chemical characterizations”, R. L. Chu, L. K. Chu, M. L. Huang, L. T. Tung, T. D. Lin, C. C. Chang, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 28, p. C3A1-C3A4, (2010).  (Cited0, SCI1.268

256.    Monoclinic phase of epitaxial Gd2O3 films grown on GaN”, Y. J. Lee, T. Y. Lai, C. H. Lee, P. Chang, S. Y. Wu, C.-H. Hsu, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 28, p. C3A17-C3A19, (2010).  (Cited0, SCI1.268

257.    “RF characteristics of self-aligned inversion-channel In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFETs using MBE-Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) gate dielectrics”, T. D. Lin, P. Chang, H. C. Chiu, J. Kwo*, S. Lin, Shawn S. H. Hsu, and M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, p. C3H14-C3H17, (2010).  (Cited1, SCI1.268

258.    MBE-HfAlO for passivating InGaAs with 1 nm capacitance effective thickness”, P. Chang, W. C. Lee, M. L. Huang, Y. J. Lee, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, p. C3A9-C3A11 (2010).  (Cited0, SCI1.268

259.    “Engineering of threshold voltages in MBE-grown Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/In0.2Ga0.8As”, Y. D. Wu, Y. C. Chang, T. D. Lin, T. H. Chiang, J. Kwo*, W. Tsai, and M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, p. C3H10-C3H13, (2010). (Cited3, SCI1.268)

260.    “Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) passivation on In0.20Ga0.80As/GaAs—structural intactness with high-temperature annealing”, Y. J. Lee, C. H. Lee, L. T. Tung, T. H. Chiang, T. Y. Lai, J. Kwo, C-H Hsu* and M. Hong*, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 135101, (2010).  (Cited :2, SCI: 2.105 ) 

261. “Self-aligned inversion-channel In0.75Ga0.25As metal-oxide-semiconductor field- effect-transistors using UHV- Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) and ALD-Al2O3 as gate dielectrics”, T. D. Lin, H. C. Chiu, P. Chang, Y. H. Chang, Y. D. Wu,  M. Hong* and J. Kwo*, Soild-State Electronics, 54, 919-924, (2010).  (Cited :2, SCI: 1.438)

262. “Effective passivation and high-performance metal-oxide-semiconductor devices using ultra-high-vacuum deposited high-k dielectrics on Ge without interfacial layers”, L. K. Chu, R. L. Chu, T. D. Lin, W. C. Lee, C. A. Lin, M. L. Huang, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Solid-State Electronics, 54, 965-971, (2010). (Cited :3, SCI: 1.438)

263.    Drain current enhancement and negligible current collapse in GaN MOSFETs with atomic-layer-deposited HfO2 as a gate dielectric”, Y. C. Chang, W. H. Chang, Y. H. Chang, J. Kwo*, Y. S. Lin, S. H Hsu, J. M. Hong, C. C. Tsai, and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 87, 11, 2042-2045, (2010).  (Cited : 0, SCI: 1.569)

264.    “Effective Reduction of Interfacial Traps in Al2O3/GaAs (001) Gate Stacks Using Surface Engineering and Thermal Annealing”, Y. C. Chang, C. Merckling*, J. Penaud, C. Y. Lu, W. -E. Wang, J. Dekoster, M. Meuris, M. Caymax, M. Heyns, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 112901 (2010). (Cited5, SCI3.820

265.    “Structural characteristics of nanometer thick Gd2O3 films grown on GaN (0001)”, W. H. Chang, P. Chang, T. Y. Lai, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo*, C. -H. Hsu*, and M. Hong*, Crystal Growth and Design, 10, 5117, (2010). (Cited0, SCI4.389


266.    “Thermal annealing and grain boundary effects on ferromagnetism in Y2O3:Co diluted magnetic oxide nanocrystals”, Y. L. Soo* , T. S. Wu , C. S. Wang, S. L. Chang, H. Y. Lee, P. P. Chu, C. Y. Chen, L. J. Chou, T. S. Chan, C. A. Hsieh, J. F. Lee, J. Kwo, and M. Hong, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 031906 (2011).  (SCI: 3.820)

267.    “InGaAs and Ge MOSFETs with High k Dielectrics”, W. C. Lee, P. Chang, T. D. Lin, L. K. Chu, H. C. Chiu, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 336, (2011). (Cited: 0, SCI: 1.569)

268.    “Electrical properties and interfacial chemical environments of in-situ atomic layer deposited Al2O3 on freshly molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs”, Y. H. Chang, M. L. Huang, P. Chang, C. A. Lin, Y. J. Chu, B. R. Chen, C. L. Hsu, J. Kwo*, T. W. Pi and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 440, (2011). (Cited: 0, SCI: 1.569)

269.    H2S Molecular Beam Passivation of Ge(001), C. Merckling*, Y. C. Chang, C. Y. Lu, J. Penaud, M. El-Kazz, F. Bellenger, G. Brammertz, M. Hong, J. Kwo, M. Meuris, J. Dekoster, M. M. Heyns, M. Caymax, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 399, (2011). (Cited: 0, SCI: 1.569). 

270.    Low Interfacial Trap Density in Absence of Peak Features Near Midgap of Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/In0.2Ga0.8As Gate Stacks”, C. A. Lin, H. C. Chiu, W. H. Chang, T. H. Chiang, Y. C. Chang, L. H. Lai, T. D. Lin, J. Kwo*, W. E Wang, J. Dekoster, M. Caymax, M. Meuris, M. Heyns and M. Hong*, accepted by Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Berlin, Germany, August 22-27, 2010, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 99, (2011). (SCI: 1.737 )

271.     “Phase transformation of MBE-grown nm thick Y2O3 on GaN”, W. H. Chang, P. Chang, T. Y. Lai, Y. J. Lee, J. Kwo*, C. -H. Hsu, C. C. Tsai, J. M. Hong and M. Hong*, accepted by Proc of the 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Berlin, Germany, August 22-27, 2010, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 107-110, (2011). (SCI: 1.737 ).

272.    “Strong crystal anisotropy of magneto-transport property in Fe3Si epitaxial films”, H. Y. Hung, S .Y. Huang, P. Chang, W. C. Lin, Y. C. Liu, S. F. Lee*, M. Hong, and J. Kwo*, accepted by Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Berlin, Germany, August 22-27, 2010, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 372-375, (2011) (SCI: 1.737).

273.    “MBE—Enabling technology beyond Si CMOS”, P. Chang, W.C. Lee, T.D. Lin, C.H. Hsu*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, accepted by Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Berlin, Germany, August 22-27, 2010, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 511–517, (2011). (SCI: 1.737).

274.    “Achieving very high drain current of 1.23 mA/mm in a 1-mm-gate-length self-aligned inversion-channel MBE-Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/ In0.75Ga0.25As MOSFET”, T.D. Lin, P. Chang, Y.D. Wu, H.C. Chiu, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323, 518–521, (2011). (SCI: 1.737).

275.    “Magnetization reversal processes of epitaxial Fe3Si films on GaAs(001)”, Y. C. Liu, P. Chang, S. Y. Huang, L. J. Chang, W. C. Lin, S. F. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo*, the Conference Proc. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 15-18, (2010), J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07D508, (2011).  (SCI: 2.064).

276.    “Attainment of low interfacial trap density absent of a large mid-gap peak in In0.2Ga0.8As by Ga2O3(Gd2O3) passivation”, C. A. Lin, H. C. Chiu, T. H. Chiang, T. D. Lin, Y. H. Chang, W. H. Chang, Y. C. Chang, W.–E. Wang, J. Dekoster, T. Y. Hoffmann, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys.Lett, 98, 062108, (2011). (SCI: 3.820)

277.    “High-resolution core-level photoemission study of CF4-treated Gd2O3(Ga2O3) gate dielectric on Ge probed by synchrotron radiation”, T.-W. Pi, M. L. Huang, W.C. Lee, L. K. Chu, T. D. Lin, T. H. Chiang, Y. C. Wang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 98, 062903, (2011). (SCI: 3.820)

278.    “Electronic structures of Ga2O3(Gd2O3) gate dielectric on n-Ge(001) as grown and after CF4 plasma treatment: A synchrotron-radiation photoemission study”, T.-W. Pi*, W.C. Lee, M. L. Huang, L. K. Chu, T. D. Lin, T. H. Chiang, Y. C. Wang, Y. D. Wu, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 063725, (2011).  (SCI: 2.064)

279.    “Direct determination of flat-band voltage for metal/high κ oxide/semiconductor heterointerfaces by electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation”, C.-L. Chang, W. C. Lee, L. K. Chu, M. Hong, J. Kwo*, and Y.-M. Chang*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 171902, (2011).  (SCI: 3.820)

280.   Self-aligned inversion-channel In(0.2)Ga(0.8)As metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with molecular beam epitaxy Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as the gate dielectric, W. H. Chang, T. H. Chiang, Y. D. Wu, M. Hong, C. A., Lin, J. Kwo*, J. Vacu. Sci.Tech., B, 29, 03C122, (2011). (SCI: 1.268)

281.    “The Growth of an Epitaxial ZnO Film on Si(111) with a Gd2O3(Ga2O3) Buffer Layer”, B. H. Lin, W. R. Liu, S. Yang, C. C. Kuo, C.-H. Hsu*, W. F. Hsieh*, W. C. Lee, Y. J. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Cryst. Growth Des. 11, 2846–2851, (2011). (SCI: 4.389)

282.    “Low interfacial trap density and sub-nm equivalent oxide thickness in In0.53Ga0.47As (001) MOS devices using molecular beam deposited HfO2/Al2O3 as gate dielectrics”, L. K. Chu, C. Merckling*, A. Alian, J. Dekoster, J. Kwo, M. Hong, M. Caymax, and M. Heyns, Appl. Phys. Lett, 99, 042908 (2011).SCI3.820

283.    “Defect density reduction of the Al2O3/GaAs(001) interface by using H2S molecular beam Passivation”, C. Merckling*, Y. C. Chang, C.Y. Lu, J. Penaud, G. Brammertz, M. Scarrozza, G. Pourtois, J. Kwo, M. Hong, J. Dekoster, M. Meuris, M. Heyns, M. Caymax, Surface Science, 605, 1178 (2011). (SCI: 2.010)

284.    “In situ atomic layer deposition and synchrotron-radiation photoemission study of Al2O3 on pristine n-GaAs(001)-4 x 6 surface”, Y. H. Chang, M. L. Huang, P. Chang, J. Y. Shen, B. R. Chen, C. L. Hsu, T. W. Pi*, M. Hong* and J. Kwo*, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 1101, (2011). SCI1.569

285.    Atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 and HfO2 on GaN: A comparative study on interfaces and electrical characteristics”, Y. C. Chang, M. L. Huang, Y. H. Chang, Y. J. Lee, H. C. Chiu, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 1207, (2011).  SCI1.569

286.   “Direct measurement of interfacial structure in epitaxial Gd2O3 on GaAs (001) using scanning tunneling microscopy”, Y. P. Chiu*, M. C. Shih, B. C. Huang, J. Y. Shen, M. L. Huang , W. C. Lee, P. Chang , T. H. Chiang ,M. Hong*, J. Kwo*, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 1058, (2011). SCI1.569

287.  “Intrinsic spin-dependent thermal transport”, S. Y. Huang*, W. G. Wang, S. F. Lee, J. Kwo, and C. L. Chien*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 216604 (2011). (SCI: 7.621)

288. “Atomic-scale Investigation on the unpinning mechanism at the heterointerface of Gd2O3/GaAs (100)”, Y. P. Chiu, B. C. Huang , M. C. Shih, J. Y. Shen, M. L. Huang, W. C. Lee, P. Chang, T. H. Chiang, C. S. Chang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 99, 212101,(2011). (SCI: 3.820).

289.    “Achieving a Low Interfacial Density of States with a Flat Distribution in High-kappa Ga2O3(Gd2O3) Directly Deposited on Ge”, C. A. Lin, D. Lin, T. H. Chiang,R. L. Chu, L. K. Chu, T. D. Lin,Y. C. Chang, W.-E. Wang, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Express, 4, 111101 (2011). (SCI:2.747)   

290.   “Self-Aligned Inversion-Channel In0:53Ga0:47As Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors with In-situ Deposited Al2O3/Y2O3 as Gate Dielectrics”, P. Chang, H. C, Chiu, T. D. Lin, M. L. Huang, W. H. Chang, S. Y. Wu, K. H. Wu, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Express, 4, 114202, (2011). (SCI:2.747)


291.      “Ge metal-oxide-semiconductor devices with Al2O3/Ga2O3(Gd2O3) as gate dielectric”, L. K. Chu, T. H. Chiang, T. D. Lin, Y. J. Lee, R. L. Chu, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 91, 89-92,(2012). SCI1.224

292.      “The influence of dislocations on optical and electrical properties of epitaxial ZnO on Si (111) using a g-Al2O3 buffer layer”, W.-R. Liu, B. H. Lin, S. Yang, C. C. Kuo, Y.-H. Li, C.-H. Hsu*, W. F. Hsieh*, W. C. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Cryst. Eng. Comm, 14, 1665, (2012).  (Cited1, SCI: 3.879)

293.      “Metal oxide semiconductor devices studies of molecular beam deposited Al2O3/InP heterostructures with various surface orientations (001), (110), and (111)”, L. K. Chu, C. Merckling*, J. Dekoster, J. Kwo, M. Hong, M. Caymax, and M.Heyns, Appl. Phys. Express, 5, 061202, (2012).  (SCI: 2.731)

294.      “Surface-atom core-level shift in GaAs(111)A-2x2”, T. W. Pi, B. R. Chen, M. L. Huang, T. H. Chiang, G. K. Wertheim, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 81, 064603, (2012). (SCI: 2.087)

295.      “InAs MOS devices passivated with MBE-grown Gd2O3 dielectrics”, C. A. Lin, M. L. Huang, P.-C. Chiu, H.-K. Lin, J.-I. Chyi, T. H. Chiang, W. C. Lee, Y. C. Chang,Y. H. Chang, G. J. Brown, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 30, 02B118 (2012). (Cited0, SCI1.267).

296.      “Optimization of ohmic metal contacts for advanced GaAs-based CMOS device”, W. H. Chang, T. H. Chiang, T. D. Lin, Y. H. Chen, K. H. Wu, T. S. Huang, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 30, 02B123, (2012). (Cited0, SCI1. 267)

297.      “Correlation Between Oxygen Vacancies and Ferromagnetism in Mn-doped Y2O3 Nanocrystals Investigated by Defect Engineering Techniques”, T. S. Wu, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Shiu, H. J. Peng, S. L. Chang, H. Y. Lee, P. P. Chu, C. Y. Chen, L. J. Chou, T. S. Chan, C. A. Hsieh, J. F. Lee, J. Kwo, M. Hong, and Y. L. Soo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 022408, (2012). (SCI: 3.794)

298.      “Realization of high quality HfO2 on In0.53Ga0.47As by in-situ atomic-layer-deposition”, T. D. Lin (林宗達), Y. H. Chang (張宇行), C. A. Lin (林俊安), M. L. Huang (黃懋霖),W. C. Lee (李威縉) , J. Kwo (郭瑞年)*, and M. Hong(洪銘輝)*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 100, 172110, (2012). (Cited2, SCI: 3. 794)

299.      “Spin pumping induced inverse spin-Hall Effects in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Pt bilayer film”, G. Y. Luo, M. Y. Song, H. Y. Hung, Y. C. Chiu, J. Kwo, S. F. Lee, C. R. Chang, and J. G. Lin*, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(11), 3958-3960 (2012). Conf. Proc. Intermag. 2012 Conferene, May 7-12, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. ( SCI: 1.422)

300.   “Growth mechanism of atomic layer deposited Al2O3 on GaAs(001)-4x6 surface with trimethylaluminum and water as precursors”, M. L. Huang, Y. H. Chang, T. D. Lin, S. Y. Lin, Y. T. Liu, T. W. Pi*, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 212101 (2012). (SCI: 3. 794) 

301.   “Effective Passivation of In0.2Ga0.8As by HfO2 Surpassing Al2O3 via in-situ Atomic Layer Deposition”, Y. H. Chang, C. A. Lin, M. L. Huang, Y. T. Liu, T. H. Chiang, T. D. Lin, H. Y. Lin, T. W. Pi, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 101, 172104, (2012). (SCI: 3. 794)

302.   “Room Temperature Ferromagnetic behavior in Cluster Free, Co doped Y2O3 Dilute Magnetic Oxide Films”, C. N. Wu, S. Y. Huang, W. C. Lee, Y. H. Chang, T. S. Wu, Y. L. Soo, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 101, 162403, (2012). (SCI: 3. 794)

303.   “Thickness-dependent lattice relaxation and the associated optical properties of ZnO epitaxial films grown on Si (111)”, W.-R. Liu, B. H. Lin, C. C. Kuo, W. C. Lee, M. Hong, J. Kwo, C.-H. Hsu*, and W. F. Hsieh*, Cryst. Eng. Comm, 14, 8103 (2012). (SCI: 3.879)


304.      “Spin Thermal Transport and Application”, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, W. G. Wang, S. F. Lee, J. Kwo*, and C. L. Chien*, IEDM Digest, 12, 255-258, (2013).

305.     “Vertical-cavity and randomly scattered lasing from different thicknesses of epitaxial ZnO films grown on Y2O3-buffered Si (111)”, C. C. Kuo, W.-R. Liu, B. H. Lin, W. F. Hsieh*, C.-H. Hsu, W. C. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Optics Express, 21, 1857, (2013). (SCI: 3.546)

306.    “Observation of Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Cluster Free, Co doped Y2O3 Dilute Magnetic Oxide Films”, C. N. Wu, S. Y. Huang, W. C. Lee, Y. H. Chang, T. S. Wu, Y. L. Soo, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Appl. Phys, 113, 17C309 (2013). (SCI: 2.210)

307.    Detection of inverse spin Hall effect in epitaxial ferromagnetic metal films, H. Y. Hung, G. Y. Luo, Y. C. Chiu, P. Chang, W. C. Lee, J. G. Lin, S. F. Lee, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C507 (2013). (SCI: 2.210)

308.    “Inversion-channel GaAs(100) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors using molecular beam deposited Al2O3 as a gate dielectric on different reconstructed surfaces”, Y. C. Chang, W. H. Chang, C. Merckling, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 093506 (2013). (SCI: 3.794) 

309.    “Phase transformation of molecular beam epitaxy-grown nm thick Gd2O3 and Y2O3 on GaN”, Wen-Hsin Chang, Shao-Yun Wu, Chih-Hsun Lee, Te-Yang Lai, Yi-Jun Lee, Pen Chang, Chia-Hung Hsu, Tsang-Shiou Huang, J. Raynien Kwo, and Minghwei Hong*, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 5, 14361441 (2013). (SCI: 5.008), ranking of 26/241.

310. “Atom-to-atom interactions for atomic layer deposition of trimethylaluminum on Ga-rich GaAs (001)-4 × 6 and As-rich GaAs(001)-2 × 4 surfaces: a synchrotron radiation photoemission study”, Tun-Wen Pi*, Hsiao-Yu Lin, Ya-Ting Liu, Tsung-Da Lin, Gunther K Wertheim*, Jueinai Kwo*, and Minghwei Hong*, Nanoscale Research Letters, 8, 169, (2013). (SCI: 2.524)

311.      “Interfacial electronic structure of trimethyl-aluminum and water on an In0.20Ga0.80As(001)-4×2 surface: A high-resolution core-level photoemission study”, T. W. Pi*, H. Y. Lin, T. H. Chiang, Y. T. Liu, G. K. Wertheim, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 203703 (2013).  (SCI: 2.210) 

312.     “Surface atoms core-level shifts in single crystal GaAs surfaces: Interactions with trimethylaluminum and water prepared by atomic layer deposition”, T. W. Pi, H. Y. Lin, T. H. Chiang, Y. T. Liu, Y. C. Chang, T. D. Lin, G. K. Wertheim, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Applied Surface Science, 284, 601, (2013).  (SCI: 2.112)

313.    “Surface passivation of GaSb(100) using molecular beam epitaxy Y2O3 and atomic layer deposited Al2O3– a comparative study,” R. L. Chu, W. J. Hsueh, T. H. Chiang, W. C. Lee, H. Y. Lin, T. D. Lin, G. J. Brown, J. I. Chyi, T. W. Pi,* J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Express, 6, 121201 (2013).  (SCI: 2.731)

314.    “High-performance self-aligned inversion-channel In0.53Ga0.47As metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors by in-situ atomic-layer-deposited HfO2, T. D. Lin, W. H. Chang, R. L. Chu, Y. C. Chang, Y. H. Chang, M. Y. Lee, P. F. Hong, Min-Cheng Chen, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 253509 (2013).


315.    Semiconductor-insulator interfaces – High k dielectrics on (In)GaAs”, T. W. Pi, T. D. Lin, W. H. Chang, Y. C. Chang, J. Kwo, and M. Hong*, to appear in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (2014), online ISBN: 9780471346081. (Invited article).  

316.    “Synchrotron radiation photoemission study of interfacial electronic structure of HfO2 on In0.53Ga0.47As(001)-4x2 from atomic layer deposition", T. W. Pi*, T. D. Lin, H. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chang, G. K. Wertheim, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 042904 (2014).  (SCI: 3.794)

317.    “Greatly improved interfacial passivation of in-situ high  dielectric deposition on freshly grown molecule beam epitaxy Ge epitaxial layer on Ge(100)”, R. L. Chu, Y. C. Liu, W. C. Lee, T. D. Lin , M. L. Huang, T. W. Pi, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 202102, (2014). (SCI: 3.794)

318.    High /InGaAs for ultimate CMOS – interfacial passivation, low ohmic contacts, and device performance”, W. H. Chang, T. D. Lin, M. H. Liao, T. W. Pi, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, ECS symposium, Orlando, FL, 6, ECS Transactions, 61 (2) 113-124, (2014). 

319.    “Single crystal Gd2O3 epitaxially on GaAs(111)A", Tsung-Hung Chiang, Shao-Yun Wu, Tsung-Shiew Huang,  Chia-Hung Hsu*, Jueinai Kwo*, Minghwei Hong*, Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16(36), 8457 (2014). (SCI: 3.858 )

320.    “Perfecting high /InGaAs interface,–Key to high-performance inversion-channel MOSFETs”, M. Hong*, J. Kwo*, and T. W. Pi*, MRS Bulletin, 39, 668-677 (2014). (SCI: 5.069 )

321.    “Observation of Strongly Enhanced Inverse Spin Hall Voltage in Fe3Si/GaAs Structures”, H. Y. Hung, T. H. Chiang, B. Z. Syu, J. G. Lin, S. F. Lee*, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 105, 152413 (2014).  (SCI: 3.794) 

322.    “Passivation of GaSb using molecular beam epitaxy Y2O3 to achieve low interfacial trap density and high-performance self-aligned inversion-channel p-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistors”, R. L. Chu, T. H. Chiang, W. J. Hsueh, K. H. Chen, K. Y. Lin, G. J. Brown, J. I. Chyi, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 182106 (2014).  (SCI: 3.794)


323.    In-situ atomic layer deposition of tri-methylaluminum and water on pristine single-crystal (In)GaAs surfaces: electronic and electric structures”, T. W. Pi,*, Y. H. Lin, Y. T. Fanchiang, T. H. Chiang, C. H. Wei, Y. C. Lin, G K Wertheim, J Kwo*, and M Hong*, Nanotechnology, 26, 164001, (2015). (SCI: 3.672 )

324.    “Strongly enhanced spin current in topological insulator/ferromagnetic metal heterostructures by spin pumping”, C. N. Wu, Y. H. Lin, Y. T. Fanchiang, H. Y. Hung, H. Y. Lin, P. H. Lin, J. G. Lin, S. F. Lee, M. Hong*, and J. Kwo*, J. of Appl. Phys. 117, 17D148 (2015). (SCI: 2.27)

325.    Self-aligned inversion-channel n-InGaAs, p-GaSb, and p-Ge MOSFETs with a common high k gate dielectric using a CMOS compatible process”, C. H. Fu, Y. H. Lin, W. C. Lee, T. D. Lin, R. L. Chu, L. K. Chu, P. Chang, M. H. Chen, W. J. Hsueh, S. H. Chen, G. J. Brown, J. I. Chyi*, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 147, 330-334 (2015). (SCI: 1.338)

326.    “Single-crystal atomic layer deposited Y2O3 on GaAs(001) - growth, structural, and electrical characterization”, S. Y. Wu, K. H. Chen, Y. H. Lin, C.K. Cheng, C. H. Hsu*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 147, 310-313 (2015). (SCI: 1.338)

327.    “Epitaxial ferromagnetic Fe3Si on GaAs(111)A with atomically smooth surface and interface”, Y. C. Liu, Y. W. Chen, S. C. Tseng, M. T. Chang, S. C. Lo, Y. H. Lin, C. K. Cheng, H. Y. Hung, C. H. Hsu*, J. Kwo*, and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 107, 124202, (2015). (SCI: 3.794) 

328.    “Single-Crystal Y2O3 Epitaxially on GaAs(001) and (111) Using Atomic Layer Deposition”, Y. H. Lin, C. K. Cheng , K. H. Chen, C. H. Fu, T. W. Chang, C. H. Hsu*, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Materials, 8 (10), 7084–7093, (2015) (SCI: 2.651)

329.    "Reconstruction at the interface of one cycle of trimethylaluminum and water on GaAs(111)A-2x2 from atomic layer deposition", Yu-Ting Fanchiang, Tsung-Hung Chiang, Tun-Wen Pi*, Gunther K. Wertheim, J. Raynien Kwo*, and Minghwei Hong*, Appl. Phys. Express, 8, 126602 (2015).  (SCI: 2.365)


330.    “Demonstration of large field effect in topological insulator films via a high- κ back gate”, C. Y. Wang, H. Y. Lin, S. Z. Yang, K. H. M. Chen, Y. H. Lin, K. H. Chen, B. Y. Yang, C. K. Chen, Y. T. Fanchiang, S. C. Tseng, J. Kwo* and M. Hong*, Appl. Phys. Lett, 108, 202403 (2016). (SCI: 3.142)

331.    “Low interfacial trap density and high-temperature thermal stability in atomic-layer-deposited single crystal Y2O3/n-GaAs(001)”, Yen-Hsun Lin, Chien-Hua Fu, Keng-Yung Lin, Kuan-Hsiung Chen, Tsong-Wen Chang, J. Raynien Kwo*, and Minghwei Hong*, Applied Physics Express 9, 081501 (2016). (SCI: 2.265)

332.   “Coherent acoustic phonon oscillation accompanied with backward acoustic pulse below exciton resonance in a ZnO epi-film on oxide-buffered Si(111)", Ja-Hon Lin*, Yu-kai Shen, Wei-Rein Liu*, Chia-Hui Lu, Yao-Hui Chen, Chun-peng Chang, Wei-Chin Lee, Minghwei Hong, J. Raynien Kwo*, C. Hsu, and Wen-Feng Hsieh, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 325102-325106 (2016). (SCI: 2.772)


333.    “Atomic layer deposited single-crystal hexagonal perovskite YAlO3 epitaxially on GaAs (111)A”, L. B. Young*, C. K. Cheng*, G.J. Lu, K. Y. Lin, Y. H. Lin, H. W. Wan, M. Y. Li, R. F. Cai, S. C. Lo, C. H. Hsu*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 35, 01B123 (2017). (SCI: 2.322), published 15 December 2016.

334.   “Atomic nature of the Schottky barrier height formation of the Ag/GaAs(001)-2×4 interface: an in-situ synchrotron radiation photoemission study”, Chiu-Ping Cheng*, Wan-Sin Chen, Keng-Yung Lin, Guo-Jhen Wei, Yi-Ting Cheng, Yen-Hsun Lin, Hsien-Wen Wan, Tun-Wen Pi*, Raymond T. Tung, Jueinai Kwo*, and Minghwei Hong*, Appl. Surf. Sci. 393, 294-298 (2017). (SCI: 3.150)

335.   “Relevance of GaAs(001) surface electronic structure for high frequency dispersion on n-type accumulation capacitance”, T. W. Pi (皮敦文)*, W. -S. Chen (陳婉馨), Y. H. Lin (林延勳), Y. -T. Cheng (鄭伊婷), G. -J. Wei (魏國珍), K. Y. Lin (林耕雍), C. -P. Cheng (鄭秋平)*, J. Kwo (郭瑞年)*, and M. Hong (洪銘輝)*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 052107 (2017). (SCI: 3.142)

336.   “Effective Surface Passivation of In0.53Ga0.47As (001) using molecular beam epitaxy and atomic layer deposited HfO2 – a comparative study”, M. Hong*, H. W. Wan, P. Chang, T. D. Lin, Y. H. Chang, W. C. Lee, T. W. Pi, and J. Kwo*, J. Crystal Growth, online publication April (2017).(SCI: 1.462)

337.   “Interfacial Characteristics of Y2O3/GaSb(001) Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Atomic Layer Deposition”, Y. H. Lin, K. Y. Lin, W. J. Hsueh, L. B. Young, T. W. Chang, J. I. Chyi, T. W. Pi*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, J. Crystal Growth, online publication March (2017) (SCI: 1.462)

338.   "GaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Push with Molecular Beam Epitaxy Y2O3 - in comparison with atomic layer deposited Al2O3”, H. W. Wan, K. Y. Lin, C. K. Cheng, Y. K. Su, W. C. Lee, C. H. Hsu, T. W. Pi*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, J. Crystal Growth, online publication March (2017). (SCI: 1.462)

339.    “Enhancement of dielectric constant using high-temperature mixed and sub-nano-laminated atomic layer deposited Y2O3/Al2O3 on GaAs(001)”, K. Y. Lin, L. B. Young, C. K. Cheng, K. H. Chen, Y. H. Lin, H. W. Wan, R. F. Cai, S. C. Lo, M. Y. Li, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 178, 271-274, online June (2017). (SCI: 1.277)

340.    “Analysis of border and interfacial traps in ALD-Y2O3 and -Al2O3 on GaAs via electrical responses - a comparative study”, T. W. Chang, K. Y. Lin, Y. H. Lin, L. B. Young, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 178, 199-203 (2017). (SCI: 1.277)

341.   “Ultra-high thermal stability and extremely low Dit on HfO2/p-GaAs(001) interface”, H. W. Wan, Y. H. Lin, K. Y. Lin, T. W. Chang, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering, 178, 154-157 (2017). (SCI: 1.277)

342.   “Single-crystal hexagonal perovskite YAlO3 epitaxially on GaAs(111)A and (001) using atomic layer deposition”, C. K. Cheng, L. B. Young, K. Y. Lin, Y. H. Lin, H. W. Wan, G. J. Lu, M. T. Chang, R. F. Cai, S. C. Lo, M. Y. Li, C. H. Hsu*, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, Microelectronic Engineering 178, 125-127 (2017). (SCI: 1.277)

343.    “Surface electronic structure of epi Ge(001)-2x1”, T. W. Pi*, Y. T. Cheng, Y. H. Lin, W. S. Chen, K. Y. Lin, H. W. Wan, C. -P. Cheng, H. H. Cheng, J. Kwo*, M. Hong*, APEX, (2017), accepted. (SCI:2.265)

344.   “Van der Waals Epitaxy of Bi2Se3 films grown on MOS2”, K. H. Chen, H. Y. Lin, S. R. Yang, C. Y. Wang, C. K. Cheng, X. Q. Zang, Y. H. Lee, M. Hong* and J. Kwo*, accepted by Appl. Phys. Lett., (2017). (SCI: 3.142)

345.   “Perfecting Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As interfacial electronic structure in pushing metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor device limits using in-situ atomic-layer-deposition”, M. Hong, H.-W. Wan, K.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chang, M.-H. Chen, Y.-H. Lin, T.-D. Lin, T.-W. Pi, and J. Kwo, accepted by Appl. Phys. Lett., April 19, 2017. (SCI: 3.142)

346.   “Detection of current induced spin torque ferromagnetic resonance in ferromagnetic insulator/heavy metal heterostructures”, Yuchi Liu, Chi-nan Wu, J. C. Tseng, Y. T. Fanchiang, C. C. Tseng, S. F. Lee*, M. Hong and J. Kwo*, submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett, (2017). (SCI: 3.142)

347.   “High-quality single-crystal thulium iron garnet films with tunable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by off-axis sputtering”, C. N. Wu, C. C. Tseng, K. Y. Lin, C. K. Cheng, S. L. Yeh, Y. T. Fanchiang, M. Hong* and J. Kwo*, submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett, (2017). (SCI: 3.142)

348.   “A New Stable, Crystalline Capping Material for Topological Insulator for Spintronic Application”, Hsiao-Yu Lin, Zi-Jun Peng, Chao Kai Cheng, Chia Hung Hsu, Minghwei Hong*, Shao-Chin Tseng*,and Jueinai Kwo*, to be submitted, (2017).



-Review Articles-

1.  "Tunneling into the Al5 Compounds", J. Kwo and T. H. Geballe, Physica 109 & 110B, 1665 (1982).

2.  "Synthesis of Rare Earth Films and Superlattices" J. Kwo, in "Thin Film Techniques for Low Dimensional Structures", Edited by R. F. C. Farrow, S. S. P. Parkin, P. J. Dobson, N. H. Neave and A. S. Arrott, NATO ASI Series B, Physics 13, p. 337, Plenum Publisher Corporation (1987).

3. “Properties of In-situ Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Films By Molecular Beam Epitaxy with an Activated Oxygen Source”, J. Kwo, M. Hong, D. J. Trevor, R. M. Fleming, A. E. White, R. C. Farrow, A. R. Kortan, and K. N. Short, Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors, Plenum Press, London and New York, p. 101, (1989).

4. “Tl-Based Superconducting Films By Sputtering Using a Single Target”, S. H. Liou, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo, D. D. Bacon, C. H. Chen, R. C. Farrow, and G. S. Grader, Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors, Plenum Press, London and New York, p. 229, (1989).

5.  "Magnetic Rare Earth Superlattices," C. F. Majkrzak, J. Kwo, M. Hong, Y. Yafet, D. Gibbs, C. L. Chien and J. Bohr, Journal of Advances in Physics, 40, 99-189, (1991).

6.  "Growth and Properties of High Tc Films in YBa2Cu3O7-x Perovskite by Molecular Beam Epitaxy," J. Kwo, in Journal of Crystal Growth, 111, 965, (1991).

7. “Charge Dynamics in Metallic CuO2 Layers”, B. Batlogg, H. Takagi, H. L. Kao, and J. Kwo, in Electronic Properties of High Tc Superconductors, The Normal and Superconducting State, Ed. H. Kuzmany et al, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 113, Springer-Verlog, Berlin, Heidelberg (1993).

8.  “Semiconductor-Insulator Interfaces”, M. Hong, C. T. Liu, H. Reese, and J. Kwo in “Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, 19, p. 87-100, Ed. by J. G. Webster, Published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, (1999).

9.  “Materials Characterization of Alternative Gate Dielectrics”, B.W. Busch, O. Pluchery, Y.J. Chabal, D.A. Muller, R.L. Opila, J.R. Kwo, and E. Garfunkel, Materials Research Bulletin, March 2002, on “Alternative Gate Dielectrics for Microelectronics”, Ed. By G. Wilk, and R. Wallace.

10.  “High κ Gate Dielectrics For Si And Compound Semiconductors By MBE”, J. Kwo and M. Hong, Conf. Proc. MRS Fall Meeting, Dec. 2-6, 2002, Boston, MA.

11.  “High-quality thin single crystal γ-Al2O3 films grown on Si (111)”, S. Y. Wu, M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. Kwo , “ Tailoring Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces – an enabling sub-nano approach for new science and next-generation high speed and high power devices” ( 氧化物 - 半導體界面控制 次奈米尺寸新興科學解決方案及次世代高速操作高功率元件 ), in Taiwan Nanotechnology ( 台灣奈米科技 2004 到嚮往的大未來 ), published by Nano-technology center of Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, 2004.

12.  “原子尺寸下氧化物與半導體界面的剪裁控制 : 一個在次奈米尺寸底下新穎科學的發現及對次世代高功能元件製造的解決方案 ”, 洪銘輝和郭瑞年 , 國立清華大學; “Tailoring Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces – an Enabling Sub-nano Approach for New Science and Advanced Devices”, M. Hong and J. Kwo , to appear in the Electronics Spectrum, the News Lettter of Electron Devices and Materials Association, Taiwain, Ed. Y. H. Wang, vol 10 , no. 2, Dec. 2004.

13. “Structure, Composition and Order at Interfaces of Crystalline Oxides and Other High κ Materials on Si ”, T. Gustafsson, R. Garfunkel, L. Goncharova, D. Starodub, R. Barnes, M. Dalponte, G. Bersuker, B. Fordan, D. G. Sholom, V. Vaithyanathan, M.Hong, and J. Kwo, “ Defects in Advanced High k Dielectric Nano-electronic Semiconductor Device”, Ed. E.P. Gusev, 2005 Springer, Netherlands.

14. “High κ Gate Dielectrics for Compound Semiconductors", by J. Kwo and M. Hong , a book chapter in “ Advanced Gate Stacks on High-Mobility Semiconductors ”, edited by A. Dimoulas, E. P. Gusev, P. McIntyre, M. Heyns, Springer publishing company in the Springer Series Materials Science, (2005).



  • J. Kwo, by G. E. Books. (issued 1995)
    “Methods for Low temperature Growth of Epitaxial Silicon and Devices Produced Thereby".

  • Cava, Kwo, and Thomas, by G. E. Books (issued 1996)
    "Methods for Growing transparent Conducting GaInO3 Films by Sputtering".

  • Carter , Cava, Kwo, Phillips, Thomas, by G. E. Books (issued on 5/13/1997)
    “Transparent Conductors Comprising Zinc-Indium-Oxide And Methods For Making Films”.

  • Hong 10-7-3-3-15-41, by J. A. Garceran (issued on 10/13/1998)
    “Article Comprising A Gallium Oxide Layer On A GaAs-Based Semiconductor, And Method of Making the Article”.

  • Cava , Hou, Kwo, Seelig, Watts, by G. E. Books (issued on 9/7/1999)
    “Methods for Making Thin Film Tantalum Oxide Layers with Enhanced Dielectric Properties and Capacitors Employing Such Layers”.

  • Hong, Kwo, Murphy, by E. E. Pacher (issued on 10/5/1999)
    “Article Comprising An Oxide Layer On A GaAs-Based Semiconductor Body, And Method of Making The Article”.

  • Hong, Kuo, Kwo, Mannaerts, Wang, by E. E. Packer (issued 1999)
    “Method of Making an Article Comprising An Oxide Layer on A GaAs-Based Semiconductor Body”.

  • Chen, Cho, Hobson, Hong, Kuo, Kwo, Murphy, Ren, by E. E. Pacher (issued 2000)
    “Method of Making An article Comprising an Oxide Layer on a GaAs-Based Semiconductor”.

  • Y. K. Chen, A. Y. Cho, W. S. Hobson, M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. R. Kwo, D. W. Murphy, and F. Ren, (issued 8/7/2001),
    “Method of Making An Article Comprising An Oxide Layer On A GaAs-Based Semiconductor Body”, U.S. Patent Number 6271069.

  • Hong, Kortan, Kwo, Mannaerts, by W. Koba (issued 6/11/2001)
    “Si-Bases Field Effect Device With High Dielectric Constant Gate Dielectric”.

  • M. Hong, A. R. Kortan, J. R. Kwo, and J. P. Mannaerts,
    “High dielectric constant gate oxides for Silicon-based devices”, U.S. Patent Number 6404027.

  • Hong 19-10-16-6 by E E Pacher (Issued 10/22/2002)
    “Article Comprising An Oxide Layer On A GaAs or GaN-Based Semiconductor Body”.l U.S. Patent Number 6469357 .

  • Fleming, Kleiman, Kwo, Osenbach, Thomas, by G. E. Books, (issued 11/12/2002)
    “Improved Electro-Optic Device Including a Buffer Layer of Transparent Conducting Material”. U.S. Patent Number 6480633.

  • M. Hong, J. M. Kuo, J. Kwo, J. P. Mannaerts, and Y. C. Wang (issued 12/17/2002),
    “Method of making an article comprising an oxide layer on a GaAs-based semiconductor body”, U.S. Patent Number 6495407.

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年等, “三-五族金屬氧化物半導體元件製程改進”, 中華民國/US, pending, 2005.

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年、陳治平、張翔筆、李威縉, “具有單晶氧化鈧接面膜的磊晶用基板之製作方法”, 中華民國, I 275135, issued 2007/3/1., No 94123194/NP-19030.

  • M. Hong, J. Kwo, C. P. Chen, S. P. Chang, and W. C. Lee, "Method for forming a semiconductor device having a structure of a single crystal scandium oxide film formed on a silicon substrate”, (US patent issued 6/26/2007), No US7235467 B2.

  • 郭瑞年、洪銘輝、李威縉、張翔筆、吳彥達、李昆育、李毅君, “形成金氧半電晶體元件用之基板的製作方法及其製品”, (中華民國I 303677, issued 12/1/2008). No 94141352; “Method for forming substrates for MOS transistor components and its products”, (US 7678633, issued 3/16/2010), No 94141352.

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年、李威縉、林宗達、李奇勳、董烈廷, “用於製作金氧半場效電晶體用的基板及其製作方法”, 中華民國, I 362693, 4/21/2012 approved. 專利權期間:2012/4/21-2028/1/7止。

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年、皮敦文、黃懋霖、張宇行、張翔筆、林俊安、林宗達, “Method and system for manufacturing semiconductor device (用以製造半導體裝置的方法及系統)”, US 2013 0261077 A1, 10/31/2013 approved.

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年、朱瑞霖、皮敦文、綦振瀛, "Perfecting high k/GaSb interface using molecule beam epitaxy Y2O3", patent pending, US, 10/2013.

  • 洪銘輝、郭瑞年、陳冠雄、楊博宇、林延勳, “Single-crystal ALD-Y2O3 on GaAs(001)-4x6”, patent being filed through TSMC, (2015).

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