You are welcome to visit

    Ing-Guey Jiang's

    Research Highlights


    List of Papers in E-Print Archive: astro-ph

    List of Papers in NASA Astrophysics Data System

    A Recent Simulation (would be a movie soon !)


Group Members:

Post-Doc. Researcher: Dr. Parijat Thakur

Ph. D. Student: Wu, Yu-Ting

Master Student: Zhao, Mao-Chen

Master Student: Wu, Yu-Chih

Master Student: Huang, Ya-Huei

Bachelor Student: Chen, Yun-Jhih



We have a parallel machine, which is a 24-node PC Cluster, locating in our lab.

We can also use the super-computers at National Center of High Performance Computers.


Recruitment and Collaboration:

If you are interested in working with me as a student, research assistant, postdoc., visiter or any kind of collaborater, please contact with me.


Research Projects:

1. Planetary Dynamics

   (Selected Orbits in Jiang and Yeh 2003)

2. Brown Dwarfs

3. Galactic Dynamics