Curved space-time in Einstein's General Relativity
Recall the Robertson-Walker metric:
ds2 = c2dt2 - R2(t)
+ r2 dθ 2 +
r 2 sin2θ
where k is related to the curvature of the spacetime.
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Friedmann's cosmological equations:
(derived from different components of the field equation)
d2R/dt2 =
- (4πG/3)(ρ + 3p/c2)R
+ Λc2R/3
(dR/dt)2 + kc2 =
+ Λc2R2/3
Recall that the Hubble parameter H is (dR/dt)/R, then
1 = (8πG/3H2)ρ
+ (c2/3H2)Λ
- (c2/R2H2) k
= (8πG/3H2)
+ (c2/8πG)Λ
- (3c2/8πGR2) k]
= Ωm
+ ΩΛ
+ Ωk
Depending on the average density, the universe geometry can be open
(k < 0), flat
(k=0), or closed (k > 0).
The critical density is
ρc = 3H2 /
= 1.8743 x 10-29 h2 g/cm3 (This is so defined by requiring k = 0 and Λ = 0.)
ρc = 9.0 x 10-30 g/cm3, for h = 0.7
For density < ρc , the universe
is open (negative curvature, k < 0, hyperbolic)
For density = ρc , the universe
is flat (zero curvature, k=0)
For density > ρc , the universe
is closed (positive curvature, k > 0, spherical)
[geometry of the universe ]
(Recall that the density ρm
is only about
2.4 x 10-30 g/cm3, which includes dark matter in galaxy
clusters; do we live in an open universe?)
From BOOMERANG's measurement of CMB anisotropy,
our universe looks flat ! WMAP confirmed that.
[CMB and curvature of space; theoretical models of the early universe indicate
hot spots in the CMB are typically of one degree in size.]
More dark matter? But not detected with gravity?
ρE =
ρm+ρΛ (ρΛ is the density of dark energy, whose nature is a big mystery!)
Ωm =
ρm/ρc ΩΛ =
ρΛ/ρc ΩE =
Ωm+ΩΛ A flat universe means ΩE = 1
Check the expansion history using SN Ia
[Varying rate of cosmic expansion ]
[Hubble diagram of high-z SN Ia: The expansion of our universe is accelerating!]
Constraints on cosmological parameters
[Cosmic energy density evolution]
What is exactly the 'dark energy'? Cosmological constant Λ?
Or something else?
Growth of the universe
The 'deceleration parameter' q is defined as
q = - R(d2R/dt2)/(dR/dt)2
= - (d2R/dt2)/(H2R),
which, when radiation can be ignored, can be written as
q = 0.5 Ωm -
ΩΛ ,
in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model with the cosmological constant.
The value of q0 tells us how the universe evolves.
[The growth of our universe.
There could be 'Big Bang' as well as 'Big Crunch'.
Now it seems that we have q0 < 0, if the so-called ΛCDM model is adopted.]