15-08 Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
Does the tuning fork diagram, Hubble's galaxy types, tell us anything?
Galaxies formed from merging of gas clouds?
[The formation of galaxies; the so-called 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' scenarios.]
[The building blocks of galaxies, containing young stars and gas]
- One possible way of forming spirals and ellipticals: When protogalaxies formed, star formation was triggered.
stars form slowly --> spirals
stars form quickly --> ellipticals
[Star birth rate in elliptical and spiral galaxies]
Looking back to the earlier universe:
More spirals than now:
in rich clusters at z = 0.4 (roughly 4 billion years look-back time), about 30% galaxies are spirals;
in nearby ones only about 5%
Does interaction produce ellipticals from spirals?
Large scale structure : galaxies formed first, then
structured? or ? why? Dark matter?