Ch 02-02 Celestial Coordinate Sysems and the Precession
of Earth Rotation
[Celestial coordinate systems]
- Horizontal
Azimuth ( A ), 0◦ ~ 360◦, from north to the direction of east
Altitude ( h ), or, zenith distance ( z )
- Equatorial
Right ascension ( R.A., α), 0h ~ 24h,
starting from the vernal equinox eastwards
Declination ( Dec., δ), 0◦ ~ +/- 90◦
- Ecliptic
Ecliptic longitude (λ), 0◦ ~ 360◦,
starting from the vernal equinox eastwards
Ecliptic latitude (β), 0◦ ~ +/- 90◦
- Galactic
Galactic longitude ( l ), 0◦ ~ 360◦
starting from the galactic center eastwards
Galactic latitude ( b ), 0◦ ~ +/- 90◦
The galactic coordinate origin (l = 0, b = 0), defined by IAU in 1958,
is at α = 17h45m37.2s
δ = -28◦56'10" (Epoch 2000)
Sgr A*, discovered in 1974, which is considered to be the rotational center of the Galaxy,
is at α = 17h45m40s
δ = -29◦00'28" (Epoch 2000).
[The precession of earth rotation]
The precession period is about 26,000 years.
(The precession 'direction' is south-bound. The north celestial pole therefore shifts counter-clockwise.)
The vernal equinox moves westwards.