Miguel A. Cazalilla

Office TEL¡G

Condensed Matter Theory Group

Research Fields
  1. Strong correlation phenomena in electron, ultracold atom, and helium systems.
  2. Out-of-equilibrium phenomena in quantum many-body systems.
  3. Quantum dissipation and decoherence in mesoscopic systems.
  4. Disorder effects in low dimensional systems.
  5. Quantum Hall effects.
  6. Electronic properties of solids. Electromagnetic and optical response of solids and surfaces.
  7. Lifetime of electronic excitations in solids. Band structure calculations. Density functional theory.
  8. Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group (DMRG) techniques and connections with quantum information theory.
  9. Charge exchange between atoms/ions and solids. Auger and Resonant processes, and related
    many-body effects.
  10. Energy loss of moving particles through condensed-matter systems.
  1. 1995 -1999 PhD. in Physics, The University of the Basque Country ,Spain.
  2. 1990 - 1994 Bachelor in Science, the University of the Basque Country ,Spain.
Professional Experience
Current position¡G
  1. Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University. (2013/05 - )
  1. Instructor, The course Special Topics in Physics: Classical and Quantum Field Theory
    Methods for Condensed Matter Physics (module PC5239), Department of Physics,
    National University of Singapore, Singapore. (2012/06 - 2012/07)
  2. Visiting Associate Professor, The Graphene Research Center of the National University of Singapore, Singapore. (2011/07 - 2013/05)
  3. Tenured Research Scientist, Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas (CSIC), in Spanish).
    Institute: Material Physics Center/Centro de F´ısica de Materiales CSIC-EHU, Spain. (2007/06 - 2012/07)
  4. ¡§Gipuzkoa¡¨ Fellow, The Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) ,Spain. (2003/02 - 2007/06)
  5. Postdoctoral Fellow, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy. (2001/10 - 2003/01)
  6. Visiting Research Associate, The Department of Engineering of Brown University in Providence, US. (2000/02 - 2000/05)
  7. Instructor, The course Generation, Propagation and Detection of Electromagnetic waves (EN156). Brown University in Providence, US. (Spring term 2000).
  8. Visiting Research Associate ,The Department of Physics of Brown University in Providence, US. (1999/12 - 2001/09)
  9. Teaching Assistant, The elementary Physics lab at Department of Material Physics of the University of the Basque Country. (1996 - 1998)
Selected Publications
  1. A. M. Lobos and M. A. Cazalilla, "Easy Axis Ferromagnetic Chain on a Metallic Surface.", J. of Phys. Cond. Matt. 25 094008 (2013).
  2. J.-S. You, H. Lee, S. Fang, M. A. Cazalilla, and D.-W. Wang, "Tuning the Kosterlitz-Thouless transitiion to zero temperature in anisotropic boson systems.", Phys. Rev. A 86, 043612 (2012).
  3. A. M. Lobos, M. A. Cazalilla, and P. Chudzinsky. "Magnetic phases in the one-dimensional Kondo chain on a metallic surface.", Phys. Rev. B 86, 035455 (2012).
  4. M.-C. Chung, A. Iucci, and M. A. Cazalilla, "Thermalization in Systems with Bipartite Entanglement.", New J. of Phys. 14 075013 (2012).
  5. M. A. Cazalilla, A. Iucci, M.-C. Chung, "Thermalization and Quantum Correlations in Exactly Solvable Models.", Physical Review E, 85 011133 (2012).
  6. T. Eggel, M. A. Cazalilla, and M. Oshikawa, (Corresponding author: M. A. Cazalilla)" Dynamical theory of superfluidity in one dimension.", Physical Review Letters 107, 275302 (2011).
  7. M. A. Cazalilla, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, E. Orignac, and M. Rigol, "One dimensional Bosons: From Condensed Matter Systems to Ultracold Gases.", Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 1405 (2011).
  8. M.A. Cazalilla and F. J. Garc´ıa de Abajo, "Dependence of the stopping power on the surface response function.", NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS B 125, pags. 106-109 (1997).
  • All Publications (Expansible)
    1. Title: Dependence of the stopping power on the surface response function.
      Author(s): M.A. Cazalilla and F. J. Garc´ıa de Abajo.
      Publication Data: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS B 125 (1997), pags. 106-109.
    2. Title: Auger neutralization and de-excitation of Helium at an aluminum surface: A unified
      Author(s): N. Lorente, M. A. Cazalilla, J.-P. Gauyacq, D. Teillet-Billy, and P.M. Echenique.
      Publication Data: SURFACE SCIENCE 411 (1998), pags. L888-893.
    3. Title: Theory of Auger neutralization and de-excitation of slow ions at metal surfaces.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, N. Lorente, R. D´ıez Mui˜no, J.-P. Gauyacq, D. Teillet-Billy, and
      P. M. Echenique.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 58 (1998), pags. 13991-13406.
    4. Title: Energy loss of fast protons specularly reflected from a metal surface.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla and J. I. Juaristi.
      Publication Data: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS B 157 (1999), pags. 104-108.
    5. Title: Plasmonic excitations in noble metals: The case of Ag.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, J. S. Dolado, A. Rubio, and P. M. Echenique.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 61 (2000), pags. 8033-8042.
    6. Title: Lifetimes and mean-free paths of hot electrons in the alkali metals.
      Author(s): J. S. Dolado, V. M. Silkin, M. A. Cazalilla, A. Rubio, and P. M. Echenique.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 (2001), article 195128 (7 pages).
    7. Title: Anomalous quasi-particle lifetime in graphite: band-structure effects.
      Author(s): C. D. Spataru, M. A. Cazalilla, A. Rubio, L. X. Benedict, P. M. Echenique, and
      S. G. Louie.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 87 (2001) article 246405 (4 pages).
    8. Title: Time-dependent Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group: A systematic method for the
      study of quantum many-body out-of-equilibrium systems.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla and J. B. Marston.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88 (2002), article 256403 (4 pages).
    9. Title: Low-energy properties of a one-dimensional system of interacting bosons with boundaries.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication Data: EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 59 (2002) pags. 793-799.
    10. Title: Surface modes of ultra-cold atomic clouds with very large number of vortices.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 67, 063613 (2003) (22 pages) .
    11. Title: One-dimensional optical lattices and impenetrable bosons.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication Data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 67, 053606 (2003) (4 pages).
    12. Title: Reply to ¡§Comment on ¡¥time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group: a systematic
      method for the study of quantum many-body out-of-equilibrium systems¡¨¡¦.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla and J. B. Marston.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 91, 049702 (2003) (1 page).
    13. Title: Instabilities in binary mixtures of one-dimensional quantum degenerate gases.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla and A. F. Ho.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 91, 150403 (2003) (4 pages).
    14. Title: Bosonizing one-dimensional cold atomic gases.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla
      Publication data: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B 37, pags. S1-S47 (2004) (47 pages).
    15. Title: Deconfinement in a 2D optical lattice of coupled 1D boson systems.
      Author(s): A. F. Ho, M. A. Cazalilla, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 92 , 130405 (2004) (4 PAGES + 1 FIGURE).
    16. Title: Differences between the Tonks regimes in the continuum and on the lattice.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A (RAPID COMMUNICATIONS) 70, 041604 (2004)(4 pages).
    17. Title: Edge excitations and topological orders in rotating Bose gases.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, N. Barber´an, and N. R. Cooper.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW B (RAPID COMMUNICATIONS) 71, 121303 (2005).(4 pages).
    18. Title: Two-component Fermi gas on internal-state-dependent optical lattices.
      Authors(s): M. A. Cazalilla, A. F. Ho, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95, 226402 (2005) (4 PAGES).
    19. Title: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour in quasi-one dimensional Li0:9Mo6O17.
      Author(s) : J. Hager, R. Matzdorf, J. He, R. Jin, D. Mandrus, M. A. Cazalilla, and E. W.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95, 186402 (2005) (4 pages).
    20. Title: Energy absorption of a Bose gas in a periodically modulated optical lattice.
      Author(s): A. Iucci, M. A. Cazalilla, A. F. Ho, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A (RAPID COMMUNICATIONS) 73, 041608 (2006)(4 pages).
    21. Title: Interacting Bose gases in quasi-one dimensional optical lattices.
      Authors(s): M. A. Cazalilla, A. F. Ho, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 8, 158 (2006) (55 pages).
    22. Title: Dissipation-driven quantum phase transitions in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
      electrostatically coupled to a metallic gate.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, F. Sols, and F. Guinea.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 97, 076401 (2006) (4 PAGES).
    23. Title: Effect of suddenly turning on Interactions in the Luttinger model.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 97, 156403 (2006) (4 pages).
    24. Title: Competition between vortex unbiding and tunneling in optical lattices
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, A. Iucci, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75 (RAPID COMMUNICATIONS), 051603 (2007)(4 pages).
    25. Title: Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluidity in one-dimensional optical lattices
      Author(s): M. Rizzi, M. Polini, M. A. Cazalilla, M.R. Bakhtiari, M. P. Tosi, and R. Fazio.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 245105 (2008) (7 PAGES).
    26. Title: Quantum Simulation of the Hubbard model: The Attractive Route.
      Author(s): A. F. Ho, M. A. Cazalilla, and T. Giamarchi.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 033620 (2009) (12 pages).
    27. Title: Ultracold Gases of Ytterbium: Ferromagnetism and Mott Insulators
      in a SU(6) Fermi system.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, A. F. Ho, and M. Ueda.
      Publication data: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11, 103033 (2009) (8 pages).
    28. Title: Lattice modulation spectroscopy of strongly interacting bosons in disordered and
      quasi-periodic optical lattices.
      Author(s): G. Orso, A. Iucci, M. A. Cazalilla, T. Giamarchi
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80, 033625 (2009) (11 pages).
    29. Title: Quantum quench dynamics of the Luttinger model.
      Author(s): A. Iucci and M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80, 063619 (2009) (15 PAGES).
    30. Title: Quantum quench dynamics of the sine-Gordon model in some solvable limits.
      Author(s): A. Iucci and M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 12, 055019 (2010) (15 pages).
    31. Title: Focus on Dynamics and Thermalization in Isolated Quantum Many-body Systems.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla and M. Rigol.
      Publication data: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 12, 055006 (2010) (15 pages).
    32. Title: A Composite Fermion Approach to the Ultracold Dilute Fermi Gas.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 25, 329 (2010)(9 pages).
    33. Title: One dimensional Bosons: From Condensed Matter Systems to Ultracold Gases.
      Author(s): M. A. Cazalilla, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, E. Orignac, and M. Rigol.
      Publication data: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 83, 1405 (2011).
      Review article by invitation (62 pages).
    34. Title: Dynamical theory of superfluidity in one dimension.
      Author(s): T. Eggel, M. A. Cazalilla, and M. Oshikawa.
      (Corresponding author: M. A. Cazalilla)
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 107, 275302 (2011) (4 pages).
    35. Title: Thermalization and Quantum Correlations in Exactly Solvable Models.
      Authors: M. A. Cazalilla, A. Iucci, M.-C. Chung.
      Publication data: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 85 011133 (2012) (11 pages).
    36. Title: Thermalization in Systems with Bipartite Entanglement.
      Authors: M.-C. Chung, A. Iucci, and M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: NEW J. OF PHYS. 14 075013 (2012) (8 pages).
      Report arxiv: 1203.0121 (2012).
    37. Title: Magnetic phases in the one-dimensional Kondo chain on a metallic surface.
      Authors: A. M. Lobos, M. A. Cazalilla, and P. Chudzinsky.
      Publication data: PHYS. REV. B 86, 035455 (2012) (14 pages).
    38. Title: Tuning the Kosterlitz-Thouless transitiion to zero temperature in anisotropic boson systems
      Authors: J.-S. You, H. Lee, S. Fang, M. A. Cazalilla, and D.-W. Wang
      Publication data: Phys. Rev. A 86, 043612 (2012).
      Report arxiv: 1207.2122 (2012) (10 pages)
    39. Title: Local Moment Formation and Kondo Effect in Deffective Graphene
      Authors: M. A. Cazalilla, A. Iucci, F. Guinea, and A. H. Castro Neto.
      Publication data: Report arxiv: 1207.3135 (2012) (5 pages).
    40. Title: Phase Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures in Mixed Dimensions.
      Authors: E. Malatsetxebarria, F. M. Marchetti, and M. A. Cazalilla.
      Publication data: Report arxiv:1304.6303 (12 pages, 6 figures).
    41. Title: Easy Axis Ferromagnetic Chain on a Metallic Surface
      Authors: A. M. Lobos and M. A. Cazalilla
      Publication data: J. of Phys. Cond. Matt. 25 094008 (2013) (12 pags).
    42. Title: Extrinsic spin Hall effect in graphene.
      Authors: A. Ferreira, T. G. Rappoport, M. A. Cazalilla, and A. H. Castro Neto.
      Publication data: Report arxiv:1304.7511 (2013) (5 pages, 3 figures + suppl. information).
    43. Title: Dissipative Effects on the Superfluid to Insulator Transition in Mixed-dimensional
      Optical Lattices. Authors: E. Malatsetxebarria, Zi Cai, U. Schollwoeck, and M. A.
      Publication data: Report arxiv:1305.1097 (2013).

